
Spot on Review
Great written review. I have to say I agree. CBC Radio 1 on its Toronto morning show today (Metro Morning) had a segment on Imogen Heap. It wasn't really a review, they just talked about her music, background, and that she has a big internet following (and is one of the most played english artists on

Yeah, that photo of him on the phone looks just like that kidnapped movie from last year where he kicks some serious ass.

Yeah. It seems all 10 year old boys in these types of movies have that same stupid hippie type hair cut.

What, you mean the stones video for "It's Only Rock and Roll (But I Like It) with them in a big tent or something filling with bubbles is shameless! But you're right, Goat's Head Soup was my favorite Stones 70's album.

I don't know. I can't stop watching "The First 48" and "Crime 360" or whatever it is called on A & E. Pretty cool watching 'real' police work. I'll bet Dallas and Detroit probably don't like being featured in every 2nd murder though!

Any chance of an Oscar for Ponyo? It certainly has the critics behind it. But (pardon the pun), up against Up, I'm sure it won't stand a chance. As much as Up is great, it would be nice to see an upset here so that all Pixar films don't end up as coronations come Oscar time.

The Final Cut
It may not fit the 'rules' perfectly, but Pink Floyd's "The Final Cut" was a real messed up follow-up to the Wall. Didn't it basically help cause the break-up of the band with Roger Waters leaving?

Name of the Wind
This book sounds good. Wonder how well it compares with the Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, which was amazing and AVClub gave an amazing review of back a few years back (which was also about magic and a kid learning the trade at school - well sort of anyway). 2nd book should be coming out

Yeah, every once in a while I check out wikipedia to see if there is an update on a WW Z movie. I wonder if they've sort of shelved it for a while due to zombie overload in pop culture right now?

World War Z
That would make an easy TV series as the book is already broken down into easy mini-stories that could be either an hour or two long each tops. But cost could be a problem too. That said, zombie make-up and fake blood is probably cheap.

Yeah, he was great in concert. Saw him in Toronto a few years ago and it was a fantastic show. Didn't even know he had a new album coming out. Will still have to check it out, maybe buy used someplace, or something. Is he touring right now again?

I remember seeing this on some local channel from Erie Pennsyvania when I lived across the lake in London Ontario. They used to have in the early 80's those old school dial-a'movie things and once I was home sick they played this in the afternoon. But even when I was 8 I laughed my ass off.

Cadbury Cream Eggs are still the best candy out there. We always stock up before easter ends so we still have them on hand for months to go. Sad but yummy!

Maybe we'll get one of those columns though from the AVClub for awards shows that you didn't know existed (or whatever that column is called). Usually it's pretty funny.

Fables of the Green Forest was an awsome (TVO I think?) show too. But wasn't really trippy. But the cartoon version of Le Petite Prince was pretty weird. Also, TVO used to air the Belle and Sebastian cartoon too I think (maybe I'm messing up my TVO, CBC and PBS though).

I think fraggle rock was too intentionally trippy so it probably wouldn't make the list. Muppets always were oriented partially to kids and partially to adults.

The Polka Dot Door was always messed up. And that giant polkaroo was kinda scary too.

There can be only one.

time magazine list
This book was highlighted by Time magazine in its 30 pop culture things to look forward to this summer. I ordered it from the library as it sounds interesting. But I think the whole 'sci-fi/fantasy for those who don't like sci-fi and fantasy' is probably a red herring. My wife says the same thing

Plus Sicko had less annoying Michael Moore on-screen time. That movie at least had a bit of point to make (even if some of the comparisons were flawed and overlooked a lot of the problems with our (ie. Canada's) public health care system). I'm holding out that the new movie could be good.