
The transformers trailers I've seen on line don't look any worse then the 1st movie, which was just stupid fun anyway. Besides, arn't the constructacons in the new one? That would be cool. Not sure about the insectacons.

other reviews
I was surprised this morning when Jesse Wente, the movie reviewer for CBC radio (metro morning show in Toronto) actually liked the movie. He said it was the only Ben Stiller movie he's ever liked. But it was based on the movie just being a dumb action-comedy for kids with a few lines for adults thrown

I was actually thinking the same thing about Queen, that they should hire him for a tour or something. He's probably better then that other guy they brought in recently (forget what band he was from right now).

I agree. I couldn't tell when he was playing his banjo if he was hating being there, or just had to concentrate really really hard on playing his instrument or what. His joke was good though. Why the hell would he agree to do idol? It can't be his demographic for people to buy his album. Good sport I guess though.

Maybe coming from Canada where the good old Caesar is one of the best mixed drinks ever and is a staple at any wedding or pay-bar event anywhere, the concept of a Chelada doesn't sound so bad. After all, if Clemato (clam juice/tomoto), vodko, tobasco, worchester sauce, in a celery-salt rimmed glass is

It was probably just me but Katy Perry has some messed up giant eyes. Freaked me out. I also thought her outfit, if it was a different colour could have been the old wonder woman suit from the 70's (80's?).

I just saw an ad for the My Bloody Valentine 3D DVD on TV last night. Dumb stupid naive question? If I rent the thing, do I need to geek myself out with special glasses at home to take advantage? Wonder if they come with the DVD. I was probably just going to order it for free from the library here but the chances

I didn't mind the album, but it just wasn't good enough (or catchy enough?) for me really to even pull out and want to listen to. My wife controls our i-pod so that is out as an option to just burn the couple tracks I like. But I still put out all the time the Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi. I should probably just give

I loved raid on bungeling bay (for the C64/128?). It was fun when your chopper was fatally injured and you try to make it crash into a ship or something while it was out-of-control. Good stuff. I seem to recall the game being pretty tough and I don't remember beating it.

I agree with Smilner. When the Seacrest told the judges that it should be about the performers I thought that was one of the smartest things he said. Obviously, interactions between the judges is one of the reasons the show is popular but it was getting out of hand (but comical) yesterday.

To me the cardinal sin was fucking with the end of Jedi when he put in the earlier Anakin at the funeral pyre instead of the dude (pulling brain freeze here) who played Vader.

I agree EIDan, this is a great forum today with cool responses. I like Arrested Development and Simpsons like the best of them, but I hate it when these lists/discussions turn into the same top 20 lists that Entertainment Weekly have over and over again (ie. top 10 cancelled tv shows, BORING).

History Channel here in Canada has been airing all of the movies each night over the past while. And yeah, First Contact ruled but the rest of the TNG movies sucked. Not sure where the hell History Channel gets the idea that Star Trek fits their mandate, but who cares.

Don't get me wrong. I actually like Allison better because she is not traditionally hot. It's the old double-standard thing that at least in rock music guys can be ugly as fuck but girls have to be hot. I suppose in pop music it is more equal that they both have to be hot to succeed. But there are lots of

I saw No Doubt open up for the Stones once in Toronto. One of the best opening bands I've seen. Even the sound was OK, which is rare for an opening band at the Skydome. They looked the same as 10 years ago, which I guess is a good thing?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: democracy just doesn't work.

I was also hoping Allison was going to make it through. I can't see people buying Danny's album. But Allison has a weird demographic. She isn't hot enough for teenage/young boys to vote for her, and show won't get the Brittany type vote. And the voting block for 'rock people' would more go to Adam. It's too bad