
As a Jay's fan, I'm envious of the Tiger's ability to not show up with homophobic slurs written on their faces!

As a Jay's fan, I'm envious of the Tiger's ability to not show up with homophobic slurs written on their faces!

I would have liked to see Hazzard County from the Dukes of Hazzard on the list.  Sure it is fictional and the Georgia setting is obviously southern California but the town did feel like it was very important to the show.  Also, they never really left the the county on any episode.  There were very rare trips to

I would have liked to see Hazzard County from the Dukes of Hazzard on the list.  Sure it is fictional and the Georgia setting is obviously southern California but the town did feel like it was very important to the show.  Also, they never really left the the county on any episode.  There were very rare trips to

Anyone else remember the movie "Surviving the Game"?  It was a sweet B movie with Ice-T being hunted for sport.  Rutger Hauer was in it so that was kind of cool.  But Gary Busey was also in it.  I seem to rember it being a lot of fun in a cheesy, early 90's, direct to video kind of way.

I used to love Groo the Wanderer by Sergio Aragones.  Haven't read it in years though so I'm not sure how well it would stand up today.  It was more of an early high school thing for me back in the early 90's.

Chris Isaak Show was awesome. While a bit different humor, it was sort of like Curb Your Enthusiasm with Chris playing himself with lots of funny sort of regular day-to-day issues, crappy gigs, fish-out-of-water scenarios and that kind of stuff. Seemed really down to earth on the show.

If only someone could invent a way to put an apple in a can, ZMF would be all set.

I hope the surprise is more, well, surprising then just the candy. If you look close at the can it says "Candy Surprise Inside". Which, I guess isn't too surprising since they are telling you about it on the outside of the can.

I think it makes sense that in the future (24th century in this case), especially in a future with manned space exploration like star trek that they'd have a fascination with the 20th century as it was the century that we did start exploring space (albeit with some limitations).

Executed at 30?
Isn't that what MTV does to its reality stars when they turn 30?

What about a full Alpha Flight movie. I'm sure they could figure out some way of linking that to the whole Avengers set of movies.

Those comics are great. I'm only up to the 3rd graphic novel (of 10?) and it's a good read. Just getting them one after another from the good old library. I guess in a roundabout way, Y the Last Man is sort of the same as the sterility scenario (Children of Men) as in both situations mankind is doomed because they

I guess since the Road Warrior assumed societal collapse back in the 70s or 80s then that's the type of cars they had? Can't see Mel driving through the outback in a Smart Car.

On the Beach is also pretty depressing. Never saw the movie but the book is pretty bleak about nuclear radiation slowly creeping toward and across Australia and there's nothing they can do about it.

Animal Uprising
Didn't read all comments, but I was surprised that some sort of animal uprising along the lines of hyper-intelligent Chimps (the Planet of the Apes scenario) wouldn't have been covered. Even if the chimps were made intelligent by man that is still different then plague.

Why put this out in summer?
Saw the box office returns and MacGruber tanked. Probably because it sucked. But got me thinking, why would they release this movie in the summer up against still strong Iron Man 2, Robin Hood and Shrek 3? What demographic is left that would come out strong for this movie? If this was

Cloverfield 2
I know that geeksofdoom.com had been guessing that this trailer might somehow be connected to a viral marketing campaign for Cloverfield 2. Doesn't sound like it based on the description of the trailer that is on that site but you never know.

I hope there is a human centipede review tomorrow! I read the review of it on filmcritic.com. Not exactly overwhelmingly positive. But the trailer is pretty creepy/silly. I sense a future article either under "films that time forgot" in 20 years or even under "I watched this on purpose".

Splice looks good at least. Sarah Polly doesn't usually put her name on too much shit whether she is directing or acting. Her acting roles aren't too common either.