HBO CEO of Tits

It's great, agreed. Having the father speak first and son translate definitely gave the line some more oomph. And also the son's failure or success of taking the sting out in translation helps it along too. Maybe he actually softened what the man said, hell if I know.

Also, it doesn't have fucking Foggy shit-quipping all over everything, which is a major plus for me.

I was frankly surprised after I clicked the link that I hadn't seen miggers yet.

TWINE isn't a disaster. It's not the best thing ever, but It's full of really fun stuff. The only problems i have with it are Denise Richards: High School Graduate and Bond puns and quips go into overdrive at some points. But Elektra and Renaud are both excellent villains, and Robbie Coltrane's back, and M gets

Masks make it harder to drink on Halloween I learned to not wear masks a long time ago.

It's literally the most terrifying, upsetting thing in the world. I remember being traumatized and crying after hearing a this american life about a little girl who was bitten by a shark in a remote area of Australia, and the quack doctor told the parents to ignore the girl's likely complaints of pain. So of course,

Egg Monsters from Mars.

It was either that one or I remember #10 was the Ghost Next Door. An early one for sure.

It may be off-brand for me, but I'm gonna go with "Gash Grab" over "Taxi Tits."

No one did. This is literally the first mention of it on this page. I control+f-ed and everything.

At least I can reassure myself that those youtube commenters are almost assuredly actual children, instead of just mental ones.

Who said it was ok to wear a Batman T-shirt? Certainly not me.

Team Rory Should Be Single If These Are Her Options.

Down, Beautiful Disaster, and Amber were all fairly big hits for alt-rock radio, and spread out over a couple albums. I'm sure its filled out with other lesser known singles as well. And I don't like 311.

I knew him as Not Ryan Styles for the longest time. I thing him being on Outsourced was when I learned his name.

That's one of the very funniest scenes ever put to film, and a bar any filmmaker or writer should aspire to.


It's structural pleasures don't really become apparent until multiple viewings. It takes a while for the noir-with-an-idiot-who-also-doesn't-care-as-the-detective conceit to really hit the comic audacity of it all home.

Huh? What miserable people. That movie is hilarious.

Seeing A Serious Man in Skokie Illinois was the most old jewish people I'd ever seen in one place in my entire life. Even taking video into consideration, not just real life.