HBO CEO of Tits

It got down to 4.8, shit tier by imdb standards.

It fell to pieces during its run, sorry. We're trying to fix it but it's not working. The fat man said he'd write more but he just didn't.

They kind of do!

I had somehow forgotten how much I love the way the Tick speaks. When he said "Evil wears every possible mitten" it stuck me. Ah, yes. THIS was why I was excited about the Tick coming back, it wasn't just being happy for Griffin Newman, who's blank check podcast I adore.

The lesson really is "don't spend 300 million on an action comedy." That's been true forever. Movies like that always top out a bit shy of 300 mil worldwide.

The vagina monsters are really good in that one. But yeah, the story…

It used to be easy. Just watch Megan Rapinoe, and whatever she is doing is Good Soccer. But she got hurt, so alas, we will have to look elsewhere. I love Megan Rapinoe.

I saw one episode at like 11 years old and a guy beat a man unconscious with weight lifting weights and then took a shit on his prone body and I have never tried the show again.

The good thing is its completely optional!

The only people who would likely haven't seen the latter. I am one of these.

or like a yellow guy with a sword

Dude you could sell those tix man, keep em. You could move 2 for 5 grand, easy!

Look, there is enough brainless impotent whining from those types of people already. I already regret speculating on their impossibly stupid thoughts in the first place.

I just hope it is good. As of now, signs point to yes.

Black Panther has never been historically played by a white guy. I'd imagine that line of criticism would be more like "Why a Black Panther movie before (favorite white charcter x)?"

Stabford St. Odious

I'd watch this. Looks kinda fun.

And Echo too, if we're bringing Kingpin back.

I was not as much on board with "Come As You Are (BWAAAAAMP Remix)"

I was a fan when he just came out to get trounced by every celebrity and old guy they could find for like 5 months straight.