HBO CEO of Tits

Coens Clooney is the greatest.

Watch Don Jon in preparation, seems like the same voice.

It's really fucking infuriating. I just have to remind myself of his early career struggles in order to feel better about it. 'At least he paid his dues'

My girlfriend listened to CBB and was turning me on to podcasts in general, and 2 of the first I heard (can't remember which was actually first) were the Amy Poehler/Tom Leykis one and Weird Al/ Andrew Lloyd Webber one where they talk at length about the Batting gentleman, noted Vihalontee, as they pronounced it. I

I like that pretty much the only PFT character that curses regularly is Santa Claus.

Jet fuel can't melt steal beams though.

The search function should realize I meant the TV show not the movie.

I was having a tough week but then I remembered I could always find comfort in the arms of various AV clubbers' moms. And at a fair price, to boot.

Well done, frenchy!

Is it really so much a "fan theory" or is it really more "the plot of the 1967 Casino Royale movie."

I saw The Descendants, but the only thing I liked about that movie was George Clooney running in flip flops.

I have a 14 year old sister. I know she saw the first one.

Yours truly is in the second league, with 3 spots remaining. Get 'em while they are hot!

The villains in most Dropkick Murphy's seem to be the Bosses, the English, or whoever is playing a Boston sports team.

I think cpjones79 has got the right idea here. The joke at the end is Watts is his TYPE, but neither Tatum or Levy happen to be, so they both go in the reject column for him. She thinks its homophobia or straight guy fear or whatever but it turns out that neither was particularly up his alley, but not for reasons of

La Bamba is one of the few songs I still remember all the words to.

They are really gonna relate to Puddle of Mud.

You forgot the third pillar, college students.

I think my favorite Stephen Fry moment ever was when he did that cultural tour of America and was completely blown away by an Alabama-Auburn game. His face after a fighter jet flyover is amazing.

I grew up in Illinois. I can draw you a perfect Chcago flag but have no idea what the state flag looks like. Also, do any other cities have a flag?