HBO CEO of Tits

The casting of Richards as a goddman scientistwas the only problem I had with it. The razorblade copter and skiing scenes and pipeline car and kinky neckbreaker were all pretty good.

He was good in a good movie in that last X-men one.

God that's amazing.

Those two are both very well appreciated.

Simmons is fine if he's not talking about strippers. Or women in general.

Welcome to the family, Bill! Be sure to put your name on anything in the refridgerator that you ever want to see again.

I think it looks great, but to be fair I've only ever seen that movie on netflix.

Still likely the best trailer I've ever seen.

Yeah, that's a bit weird. Like claiming Undertaker is uncharismatic just because he sounds like he learned his lines phonetically 5 minutes before he says them. Still got charisma for days.

And when he is subatomic how does he breathe air molecules? I'm willing to waive those complaints for comics fun though.

Which i was happy as all hell about, because Falcon zooming around the helicarriers is by far my favorite action scene in a marvel film.

I had read about Ants in my Eyes Johnson before I saw that episode, and was pretty disappointed to learn he was NOT a blues musician. Because that's a perfect ridiculous blues name.

The Dark World is a pretty funny film overall, I'd say. It's main problem is just with the villains and macguffin just sort of.. existing. The final action sequence is pretty good, the comic relief is actually funny, and I think Asgard looks fantastic in it compared to the first. But it feels very inconsequential for

An impulse I can understand. I often feel the urge to brag about going down on women much less famous than her.

They give an explanation that his density compacted into such a tiny size makes him throwing a full punch similar to shooting someone i.e. lethal, and they don't want to kill people, but they also don't want him giving love taps either.

The whole side mission with Falcon felt pretty tacked on. If I had to guess that was the addition to the house.

He punches a couple different people. CZJ is MIA, I'm afraid. wouldn't mind her showing up as Wasp at some point though.

Marquette, of course. Those first 3 are longtime rivals, short term ones in the Big East golden years for Syracuse, and fuck Duke because obviously.

Your mistake was engaging them.

Yeah where the fuck did that come from? How come all these morons who love video games and hate women consistently demonstrate that they don't read, have no idea where they are, and spout more talking points than a fox news guest?