HBO CEO of Tits

When I play video games I like to keep my insults as childish as possible. You'll hear a lot of "dumb butt' and "garbage person" coming out of my mouth.

Yup, and that's the real issue. The stupid, repetitive, loathsome, derivative comments are just the symptom.

I am roughly 10000 times more likely to blindly hate a college basketball player if he happens to be white. The likelihood approaches 1 the more he plays for Notre Dame, Syracuse, Wisconsin, Louisville, or Duke.

Bears fans have NEVER liked a QB who wasn't the currently benched back up.

"A rolling stone gathers no moss" is the old adage. Muddy Waters had a hit song called "Rolling Stone" in 1950. The band, Dylan, and the magazine took it from there. The magazine cited all 3 previous iterations, actually.

Or his work on Bones! Or Kitchen Confidential!!

I watched WCW til about 1999 (got out at the right time, I hear) and started back up again in 2011 or 12 (Del Rio winning the Royal Rumble) at 24 or so. I enjoy it a lot more now because the artifice is so fascinating now that I'm not still real to meing everything.

Bed in the middle of the ring or no dice.

Does Atom Smasher have a love interest and if so can it please be Vickie Guererro.

He was only the Onion's person of the year last year! (tied with Malala Yousafzai)

I can think of 27 Dresses, Never Been Kissed, Devil Wears Prada, Sex and the City (and 2 i guess), My best Friends Wedding, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Hitch, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, 13 going on 30, The Holiday, His Girl Friday, Sleepless in Seattle, Definately, Maybe, When Harry Met Sally, and probably more I

Josh Gad is fucking ghastly in it. Ruins the film. I haven't liked the guy in anything other than Frozen, and I've seen much more of him than I'd like to. Never saw Book of Mormon though.

I was a little disappointed to learn Cena is apparently just a gym rat rather than a professional wrestler. I had assumed he would be playing a character reminiscent of her real life relationship with Dolph Ziggler.

Psst. Apatow produces Girls as well.

i have never seen a minion cartoon are they any good

It can be 2 things.

I'm pretty sure Hillary Duff is married to some hockey player. I want to say Barret Jackman, but that feels wrong. Ah, it was Mike Comrie. And now they are divorced. 27 years old and newly divorced? Yeah, she probably wants to get all over Tinder.

They can't possibly be true. I'm always gossiping with my hetero friends about which celebrities are hetero and in hetero relationships.

I've got the lead role. Playing a bounty hunter, by the name of Ice.

I once dated a girl named Amanda after that very same song.