HBO CEO of Tits

THank you for those delightful Larry Crowne credits I would have never seen otherwise.

I also find Harvey's iteration a bit too smutty for my tastes.

Yeah, and as I said I was fancy schmancy gifted classes. In elementary school it was basically one day a week for a whole year I got pulled out of school to go to the nicer school and watch Ken Burns' The Civil War and read a whole mess of books about it and then make a diorama. There wasn't even grades, just me

Uh, yeah. But the south seceded at the mere hint on the wind that abolition might be coming. This was of course unacceptable to the Union. But if the south didn't love slavery so much, there wouldn't have been a dang war.


Yeah but a lot of the stuff to be proud of is like Faulker, which is primarily thousands of pages about how awful the south is.

I went to public school in Mississippi and Florida for elementary and middle school, albeit in the fancy gifted program. They did a pretty good job as I recall. "War between the states" and 'Northern agression" were only brought up with what amounted to a wanking motion.

You sure about that?

"…freedoms such as polygamy."

I go treason, then evil. Treason can sometimes not be evil, but slavery can't.

Agreed. Darn good anthem, too.


It's simple. The goal: keep slavery. All the jumping through legal hoops and secession and nullification and tariffs and white supremacy and arguing the moral, biblical, and societal good of slavery and eventual war: was to keep slavery. Oh, also to expand slavery. They wanted to do that too.

Not like the most respected award in entertainment. That's right, the Emmy. I'm fucking swimming in the things. I should just stop buying the statues. You know they charge you $300 to get the actual angel thing every time you win? Fucking rip off.

Also, talk about sex as soon and as often as possible to the woman. They love that. And your dick specifically. How big it is. They eat that shit right up.

Or something like a bum leg, broken ribs or an arm, you know, TV show injuries.

Meh. Renly's dead. She knows Sansa isn't. And the stark girl mission is what she's been up to for 3+ seasons now, and why she was there in the first place. She could totally still kill him, but the fakeout cut is there for a reason.

Seems like a fine quest to set off on in the beginning of next season.

No, show, you are wrong. Stannis is gonna drown a bunch of Freys and Karstarks in a lake, fake his own death (sending the Manderlys back with the news), send his Iron Bank sellswords to take the Dreadfort, ambush the Boltons when they leave to take back their home, and then die when Lightbringer shatters against an