HBO CEO of Tits

I saw the Avengers: Age of Ultron the other day and Robert Downey Jr. was Iron Man.

I also view improv as a competition against my scene partners.

Well, let's hope so.

You're welcome.

And then the series ends with brain Damage! Hooray, Lights Out!

She's the real 4 quadrants.

Its definitely the latter. They are a very fun target. But most professional reviews don't mention the MRAs, mostly just the think piece type stuff focusing on the feminist aspect of the film, which I think is fair. They are tiny idiotic communities, and I have read some straight-faced arguments like lady heroes are

I personally think anything other than using your hands should be fine. Allow headers and kicks. 99% of the time it's better to use your stick anyway, and you won't have to go to replay and disallow cool goals.

Oh man, i thought Love Me Do was simplistic garbage since I was 8 years old. Still kinda hate that song.

And that part is awesome too.

If his plan is as stated to Cersei, have Stannis and Boltons fight each other and Knights of the Vale clean up afterwards, Doesn't it make more sense for her to go up with them, gaining Stark loyalists, rather than lose her from his grasp, getting raped and abused outside of his influence?

It's the third movie in a row where Max gets roped into other people's journey's despite his best efforts to go it alone. It's a recurring trope of the series.

Any Furiosa prequel might not sit well with people, as she will most likely be villainous.

The biggest laugh I ever had at this series was Max watching his wife play that sax. Just ridiculous.

I saw it on Friday, and then again on Saturday. I have never done this before.

*People Eater.

The CGI during the final crash bothered me A LOT, but it's like 4 seconds of an otherwise perfect 2 hour movie so it gets a pass.

He's not a sidekick as much as he is Han Solo. And it is the recurring arc of both Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome as well. Max is just out for food/water/gas, and is not willing to attach himself, tries to set out on his own again, but ultimately comes around to helping the community. It's always someone else's

Max is a passenger for the stories of others in all the films. It's his thing.

For like a second. Off a hill this movie would use as a ramp to fly a monster truck dropping bombs off of.