HBO CEO of Tits

It's also a fancy castle, like riverrun and the eyrie and winterfell and such.

I don't even think he really WANTS to sit the Iron Throne all that badly, but it is his duty as rightful king, so he must.

Is north of the wall technically Westeros still?

Agreed. She's just a power mad paranoid crazy person and I loved it. Her and Arya kept me going in Feast.

I fought for uglier, actually. Older too. You can't just slap some ganked up teeth on a gorgeous lady and call it a day.

You wouldn't want to live in a world where HBO was governed by an unreasonable CEO of Tits.

Fuck Betty, marry Joan, form a professional relationship based on mutual respect with Peggy.

replace american odyssey with last man on earth, and DVR with HBO Go, and we're pretty simpatico.

Yeah, Hugo's not essential. He's wearing an incredible amount of masking/make up and you can't throw a stick without hitting somebody that can do a solid Werner Herzog impression.

Caring about grades leads only to pointless piss fights. Let it go.

I was waiting for daredevil to say, "Hey kid, would you mind walking? I'm a little too tired to carry you right now."

All of the comparisons it draws are at the tippy-top of the heap. It's goddamn fantastic.

Craig was pretty great in Road to Perdition. Seemed like a total weaselly scumbag, and very different from everything I've seen him in since.

I liked the bar scene, but only because "Swim" by Surfer Blood is playing n the background of it and I fucking love that song.

I loved Legend of Chavo Guerrero the first time I heard it, but I also loved Chavo as a child so maybe that lubricated the tune to my ears a bit.

Should have been an international object.

Will Forte is a pretty solid looking dude. The body is nothing to write home or complain about, but he's pretty handsome in the face.

2008 was a pretty weak movie year. What would you prefer? The 3 from that year I have the most affection for Are Wall*E (cartoon) Dear Zachary (Documentary, and propaganda at that) and In Bruges (my favorite, but basically ignored by the mainstream and is a vulgar, violent gangster film). Slumdog I think rightfully

Are you trying to say mediocre? Or is mediacore just a moniker I am completely unfamiliar with?

Many people are not very fond of Alien3.