HBO CEO of Tits

That's about everyone, probably. I've seen 9 of these, (Edge of Tommorrow, Looper, The Interrupters, Greenburg, Cabin in the Woods, Avengers, Toy Story 3, Skyfall) and those are just holdovers from stuff I was already a fan of (Rian Johnson, Baumbach, Pixar, Steve James, Whedon x 2, Bond) and also I watched Edge of

I thought every one had agreed by now that the best part about the Nazis were the uniforms, right?

Are you familiar with Small's other work? When i hear Victor I just miss Junior from home movies. And Tiny is just the guy from the blues episode of Metalocalypse, without the excellent jokes about blues. The recycling of the voices from characters I already loved really puts on a damper on their appearances for me,

He is most definitely dead.

Anything is still a thing, if you believe in it hard enough.

Yup. Not get all Linda Richman on you, but R & B nowadays is not particularly rhythmic nor does it bear any resemblance to the tropes of blues mmusic. Discuss.

Man I fucking hate that movie.

Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is pretty snowy for like half of it.

That promo that played throughout the NCAA tournament where Arquette drones 'They sent a fire through the internet" cracked me up up every damn time.

Don't forget the alcoholic on the Office!

Breaking Bad is also hilarious.

Throw Lane in there with the main characters.

"Fucked his kid's school teacher! And MARRIED their babysitter!"

That stuck in my craw as well. I like the text DBD yes chants though.

I only know the names of MASSIVE stuff, or if they like say their own names in the song.

I think that's the point of it though. See what actually had bleedthrough to these children today from before they were born.

This is accurate.

C'mon man. You most certainly were not cool doing that.

This may surprise you, but there exist a great many people who care very deeply about Tool to this day, and in fact want new music from them.

I knew it because it's Tool, and that song still gets played on "Alternative" [ie post-grunge] stations. Or did when I listened to them anyways. I had no idea about that god awful Mariah Carey Boyz II Men one. That style of music makes no sense to me. There was not a shred of rhythm to it. BUt also I'm curious how I