HBO CEO of Tits

Hey everybody! It's 1994 week!

Yup. I was roughly 10-11 years old when that song came out, and I loved it. I now have come around to consider it an ok song to hear at a hockey game or something. Certainly better than hearing Thunderstruck for the millionth time or whatever.

Please be nice to the children. Try to remember how insufferable you were in High School.

It's simple. "Change your Gimmick! clap clap clapclapclap." They used to chant it at CJ Parker and Bo Dallas. So they did and became awesome, well, Parker became a little better.

*Sheds a tear for the memories of the Rhodes scholars*

Yup, I also read that and thought "He did that HHH's a couple years ago!" Complete with Paul Levesque name plates!

The War at Home.

Tom Goes to The Mother. Fucking. Mayor.

I don't think they can tell the difference.

Which sounds like more of an argument against a nightly schedule than against Oliver.

Orlando Jones had a talk show for a bit.

Herc is the big winner of the wire. He does nothing the whole series but fuck shit up for everybody and fail his way to the top.

Vetoed for the crime of Wallace.

I think it's still probably Joss Whedon.

I've done this a couple times. I went with a friend to a Cursive show who I was ok with at the time but pretty much can't stand now to The Thermals open, who were fucking fantastic. Cursive was ok, but mostly pretty boring.

I went to Taste of Rosemont once to see Walkmen go on before the Smoking Popes. I did not stick around for the Smoking Popes,

I saw a band called the Redwalls headline their record release party at the Metro in Chicago in 2004 or 5. They were a band that openly just aped early the Beatles sound and aesthetic, who I kind of liked at the time. They suck and no one knows or cares who they are any more, but I did enjoy the opening act quite a

The one with a career.

That was a pretty good one, bro.

I have read Avengers Arena. It was ok, I suppose. I had a trade paperback(?) of Arcade like fucking around with I think Wolverine and Banshee and I guess other X-men when I was like 8, so I was pretty down with Arcade for at least nostalgia purposes. The kids start hunger gaming each other a bit too quick for my