HBO CEO of Tits

You phrased it well, that is the scary part.

Sounds like Moonves to me.

You tell 'im, wo!

The B-52s are great and Kate Pierson in particular is great. Calling her part in SHP "braying" is testing my heretofore unequivocal love of O'Neal.

Ron Mexico is pretty famous amongst those who follow the league rather closely. When Blitz still tried to make games after Madden bought the exclusive NFL license, the main character in it was a QB named Ron Mexico.

Damn that Tricky Two!

It is definitely my second favorite Rancid album, behind wolves obviously. Then a tie between Rancid 5 and Let's go, and then the rest, although I haven't heard anything since Indestructable. I think Life Won't Wait is a bit more of a grower because It doesn't really get good until "Black Lung," but it pretty much

I saw them live, hated it, realized I hated this band I owned 6 records by, and basically stopped being a punk rocker because of how bad NOFX sucked.

I can't imagine rental rates rates are much different that at Oberlin. Did she go there on the show or Tiny Furniture or real life? I cant remember any more.

Please no. Bret Hart has got some serious brain damage.

"Underage Drinking: A National Concern" is a great choice and episode. I will accept votes for "Dennis and Dee Go On Welfare" and "Sweet Dee's dating a Retarded Person" as valid top 5 entries, but I am surprised "Mac Bangs Dennis's Mom" has not been even mentioned yet. No other episode is quite as fantastically funny

I still can't decide whether I hate Marnie or Jessa more.

Agree to disagree, I suppose. I find the former to be rich material that reflects on Homer's failures and the latter to be taking pot shots at low hanging fruit. Your mileage may vary however. But know that you are siding with the decisions of later era Simpsons.

Mostly he went from enviable guy next door who's doing slightly better than you are to the stand in for crazy Christianity. I think I preferred the former. The joke about Flanders was that he was too damn maddeningly perfect, and now its just hes little more than a deluded cult member.

I don't see Sam Levine's name listed, but that can't be right. He can't possibly be too busy.

Any Regina Spektor, really.

I love that song

I was going to share my "Orphan is the New Black" Mash up, but its just 30 copies of the exact same sketch of Tatiana Maslany in a prison jumpsuit.

I've seen every episode of the series, and I would give it a firm C in the best possible sense of that grade. Anything worse than the league is probably bad tv, and anything better is worth a look. The show never got very good or noticeably terrible. You may enjoy it more if you ever found a single one of their

Eh. We'll see.