HBO CEO of Tits

That picture looks like eric and donna from that 70s show, 30s years on.

Now I'm thinking, after reading and hearing that phrase countless times, that "dying on the way back to the home planet" would be an apt descriptor for falling/jumping off of something tall. You know, returning to earth, as it were. I am struggling to find the context where this would actually be funny and not just

Last one I played was Metroid Prime 3. I feel completely irrelevant already, although perhaps I should. I may pick up a Wii U and Mario/Kart/Smash this holiday season, however.

Kind of amazed Natalie would throw our co-worker under the bus like that. That cat has a family, you know.

Hint: They sell booze at the Cheesecake Factory. You pick up the tab for 12-20 people for dinner and lotsa drinks it can easily get to 5 grand if the other people know you're paying.

I'm sure she would love for you to tell her how she, and apparently by extension, all women should behave.

She's not wrong about pro athletes and the Cheesecake Factory. They love that shit. This is common knowledge about NBA dudes, but I imagine its the same for athletes in other sports, for similar reasons.

I wouldn't believe her in any other role except as a chimney sweep.

Its still fucked up compared to the luxury 3 or 4 cars up.

I remember learning what opposites were from sesame street at a very young age. I guess you could say that was my very first step into the cloud of smug ironic detachment I live in today.

That's a pretty big if, Pops.

Meh. Alexander Payne did Sideways, his biggest commercial and critical success and then didn't direct another feature for like 9 years. These things happen some time.

My only solace is that most of those "revenge" ex tape releases are as staged as the disciplining teacher scenarios.

They have already "will theyed." Bran's been inside Hodor multiple times at this point.

Well, Bryan, you seem like a piece of shit, even for a robot.

Too many to even bother making a workable list. One of the few artists when I was making 80 minute best of cds for friends I would agonize over which tracks to include and exclude. Pavement was the only other band I remember having that problem with.

I'm partial towards 119 with Daly and Gillian Jacobs.

Maybe? When did Benny Goodman and Leadbelly die?

ESPECIALLY for video games.

I really like Leadbelly and Benny Goodman, and they both died before I was born.