HBO CEO of Tits

There is very little danger of strangers poisoning halloween candy. The only cases I can recall is relatives doing it to their own children and trying to blame it on the urban legend, but I haven't checked lately.

It seems you have checked your facts! I saw Matt Flynn getting carried around and obviously Vedder's jersey, but I seem to have missed the mention of Rodgers attendance. In my defense, I was drunk.

That wasn't Aaron Rodgers, it was Matt Flynn, the back up quarterback for the Packers. check your facts, Modell.

I guess. I had 1500 SAT, so I assume off to the right of the chart is the B-52s and The Walkmen, and Man Man.

It just means a lot of people who went to Arizona State like T.I.

I find his methods flawed. Its kinda dumb just to take the median SAT from a college that you went to and then decide that makes you dumber for going there and listening to The Used.

Mr. Jones has some of the dumbest lyrics I've ever heard in my entire life. Were there no adults present to step in?

If its anything like my facebook, I haven't added anything new to the profile since like 2007.

We are all familiar with Antonio Inoki here, Bruiser.

I will just simply say "Thank you, O'neal," and know that it isn't possibly enough.

This is Peak O'Neal right here.

Welp, all those songs were pretty excellent. Don;t know why people tend to hate on Kanye. Seems to know what hes doing.

Isn't Messina actually quite handsome? I figure his problem is that he is literally a small actor. Guy's a tiny little munchkin pipsqueek.

/Forces cds into random car stereos

He's fine. Seems like a nice dude, but then, of course, Boston. Jim Thome is not only one of the greatest hitters of all time, one of the nicest people to ever walk this earth, the most lovable big galoot to ever play professional sports, he is also the inspiration for WordUpThome, the greatest character in Dugout

This the first episode i have really enjoyed. I've seen all that have aired, and I really liked the potential, but the jokes just weren't quite there for me yet. And I feel like it's a moral obligation of mine to watch something on Network TV that is actually trying something interesting, and from a perspective I am

Yeah that Greinke trade was fine. Both teams got what they were looking for. The Brewers still, to this day, need a lot more pitching than hitting/defense.

Getting rid of the DH would have deprived the world of like 6 years of Jim Thome, and therefore must remain.

Gives a better sheen.

Irish Potato Famine for me.