HBO CEO of Tits

Here you go, Champ.

I was just taken aback by her thick Scottish accent. I wasn't expecting that. Also, I was totally down with Harry's attraction to an Asian girl.

It read as the Burger King Kid's Club to me. Talk about birthed in a marketing meeting with this group:

If it has less prize money and entrants like a lady tournament does i can see it being fine. Although I'm assuming like a world series of poker type setup where there are like 40 tournaments.

Ric Flair is the most decorated champion in wrestling history. Can't think of a better champion to celebrate as.

He must be thinking of college. I think the blocking foul in basketball is my favorite ref motion. Pound your hips twice with your fists and wave them around around festively. I like to add jazz hands.

Special teamers are too worried about keeping their jobs to do stuff like that, and very little feuds start out between special teams players. There's also ample room for legal sanctioned violence in an NFL game.

I picture referee school being run by Daunte Culpepper.

I always interpretted the motion as "He threw it behind his back! we can't have no hot-doggin' out here!"

Marceline is frozen in Ice King's lair there for a minute. My only criticism is that if you are going to do a "gritty reboot" this wasn't gritty ENOUGH. If Finn's sword and Jake's jaws were dripping in blood by the end it would be appropriate. This was basically just Adventure Time with slightly sadder, less inventive

It is goofy! And that's good! And also poignant, and absurd, and insightful, and funny, and weird, and transgressive, and even adventurous! The show is everything you would watch entertainment for, differeing on an episode to episode basis, and often within the same 11 minutes (its almost always funny).

Adventure time is fairly dark, for a kids show, and if its underneath the surface at all, its a rather shallow dig.

7 year old me would have to disagree with you. I became a Vikings fan because I liked their helmets on Madden 94. My first visit to the state happened only 6 months ago. I have watched them lose to the bears at Soldier field 4-5 times in the last decade though.

Thanks much, Teti. You don't become television executive without knowing a thing or two about the television business.

Scouts LOVE passing over or falling in love with guys for irrelevant bullshit all the time. They think there is great wisdom in crap like "If his girlfriend isn't hot, I don't want him. Means he has a confidence problem." Not all scouts, obviously, but its frankly astounding how much useless bullshit you can find in

Every one knows the die-hards live in St. Paul.

I saw that and was like "no one tell eagles that humans have terrible balance. Let them think our weight advantage is enough."


Those broadcast displays are 100% intended for people watching the game on mute in bars. That's why they update so quick. So it can have the down up as soon as possible for someone glancing at the TV after the game they are really watching hits the between play lulls.

I think I'd rather have 2 Milwaukee Bucks franchises than 1 Bills franchise at the same price. It's close, though.