HBO CEO of Tits

As the rare Vikings/FSU fan, I screamed out in agony when I realized I'd have to watch that dipshit for a couple more years right after I thought I was done with him.



I was drunk at a party and Ratatouille was on the TV, at the point where Ego reads his review, and I have never once seen that movie without crying. So its only like 11 PM, not real late and I am just BAWLING my eyes out. A lot of people wondered if I was ok and I just had to explain my love for this kids movie

That sounds likely due to what I know about radiation and its effects on the human body. It causes people to disappear, instead of leukemia, of course. Its amazing that i find radiation causing Hulk powers to be more plausible, but I guess when you don't know anything about science, or economics, or history, or math,

Peace in the middle east happens off screen, because some Israeli scientist creates a magic formula so that sand can grow crops now (?) and thus becomes an economic powerhouse through agriculture (??) and this prosperity somehow leads to peace with their muslim neighbors (???) and those neighbors give up their

This is so strange to hear about not meeting asian people until you were legally an adult. Maybe I'm unique, and grew up on military bases and in gifted school programs. The Filipino family next door when I was in Kansas had a boy my age, so he was my best friend. In second grade/rural Gautier, Mississippi my next

Basically. I just didn't get into basketball until college, so the baby Bulls of Hinrich Gordon and Deng, and I guess Curry and Chandler were there too, were my first pro team.

I thoroughly enjoyed the 05 world series and both Cups, but I stupidly became a Bulls fan in like 2003, and chose the Vikings from a young age. The Bears are a very silly team with silly fans though, and are wildly entertaining.

Fuck yeah Blackhawks. Patrick Kane is probably my favorite athlete right now. Him or Jimmy Butler.

Means nothing in any sport, really.

That was a weird game, and it single handedly lost my fantasy matchup for me, as I had Mccoy and Maclin going. squandered great weeks from Romo, Murray, and Donnell. Stupid eagles taking points out of my players mouths by scoring THREE D/ST TDs.

I always say the o-line makes the running back, and the QB makes the o-line. Brady's pocket awareness has almost completely left him this year. He's making his line look bad.

I also enjoy Old Hoss Radbourn, though we disagree on the menace of papists.

It certainly isn't kicking. Most college kickers suck at their actual job.

The NFC East will have a similar outcome, I'd wager.

I am soooooo pumped for this. I have only seen season 5-7, as I started watching them as they aired at my girlfriend at the time's behest, and I loved it then. I hear 1-4 are even better, so this is very exciting for me.

The la-la-las and theme song are my absolute most hated parts of the show. And I really love this show. It's not that tough to get over.

Absolutely, unless you only watched Bunheads for the dances.

I consider myself a William Regal type.