HBO CEO of Tits

He does the commentary on NXT now, and he's pretty solid at it.

Three ain't enough, man. I need five.

David Shoemaker AKA The Masked Man on Grantland is also excellent.

I'm a huge 3MB, and Heath Slater in particular, mark.

I like it because its sooooo very silly. And Lana is great, and Rusev can go. I just hope they feed him to not-John Cena.

If you START at NXT why would you ever watch Raw?

I agree with the approach you took. Gotta get into the current stuff and work your way back. Would have mentioned NXT more though.

If I were booking the Wyatts, I would have had Bray manage Rowan and Harper to the tag titles while sitting in his rocking chair and delivering knock out promos. He could sister abigail people extra curricularly from time to time, but I'd build up to his debut match after at least 3 months of menacing, and just have

And Kane before that. They've gone to that well a couple times.

He already is that heel for all intents and purposes for people like us. I get HUGE satisfaction watching Cena lose clean. These last 2 Summer slam's probably had my favorite main events ever. I preferred Bryan's victory at SS to WM, just because it did not feel inevitable, and how could you not love Cena just getting

It's like saying "Pfft. You went to the theater? You know they aren't REAL Cats, right?"

She has the best entrance in the business right now.

Best case scenario is 3 hour NXT in five years for Raw..

They have covered wrestling on a number of occasions over the years.

Absolutely. We just draw numbers out of a hat. With 10 people you get 3 numbers each, and the winner gets 75% of the pot and the three numbers with the most combined eliminations gets 25%. It's super fun that way.

Thing is, you can't do shit like that. You shouldn't try to even approach it. They shouldn't have done it then and weren't trying to. It's nice that it exists, in a way, but you can't try to top it or come close to it without threatening the lives of performers.

I also love the vaudevillain. I was a huge fan of Aiden English's look when he was just a jobber with a moustache. He's much more entertaining when indulging the old-timey aspects of his character rather than the artiste gimmick he had going.


NXT and CHIKARA are my 2 favorite wrestling things going right now. I have Charlotte/Bayley as my match of the year at this juncture, with Zayn/Cesaro II at arrival a close second.

I picked up on wrestling as a 24 year-old, after not watching since I was around 11 and moved from WCW country to WWF territory. I was weird going from seeing nWo Wolfpack t-shirts all over my school to Austin 3:16 ones. I stopped watching when WCW went under.