HBO CEO of Tits

There is plenty of stuff to be done! Just not more banal "reimaginings."

My school got let out at 9 am when some pipes burst so my friends and I got high and saw Open Range in theaters and I loved it.

Most player arrests since 2000 as well, with 45! Remember that awesome sex boat scandal? Boy I'm sure glad I picked this team to be my favorite!

I just want Pete to get screwed. He is the character I most want to receive comeuppance.

It reminded me of this, which is a very fun video of Steve Weatherford (NYG punter) taking a girl to prom.

The Butter Squirrel was especially impressive this week. Not much to add, just that I love the nickname Butter Squirrel.

Good for him.

I know the man. He may work pro bono on this one.

They absolutely did, but the past sessions were exageratedly, comically awful. Anything would have been a step up.

You poor, mirthless soul.

Anvil - "Show Me Your Tits"

What do you want. Make it quick, I'm busy.

Team I hated every last one of her boyfriends, especially Jesse. But especially Logan.

Why must you twist the knife?




It's New York's premier off-shore gentleman's barge.

Don't know why you'd want to quit a job where all of your co-workers magically also have seen 30 Rock.

I have on more than one occasion seriously considered buying a Latrell Sprewell jersey from a thrift store.