HBO CEO of Tits

It's really shameful. Many, many people were outraged at the 2 game suspension and victim blaming and awful procedures like interviewing Janay with Ray in the room, trotting her out for a press conference to apologize for "her role in the incident." The NFL is an awful reactionary organization that needs to look at

I thought it was just a third. Damn clickbait between the articles and comments has ingrained it into my brain.

Despite the fact that NJ grand jury DROPPED charges against Janay and INCREASED charges against Ray. NFL heard that, and was like "oh she must have done something to deserve it" instead of, you know, "Oh shit we should probably see this tape where he knocked his fiance the fuck out for no reason."

So why were they going out of their way to protect a clearly decling Rice?

Strong insult game. 4.5 stars.

I blame the NFL's unwillingness to innovate and use these useful, skilled quarterbacks. Or I guess we can just try to make the Michael Vicks of the world pocket passers because thats how my grandaddy coached dabgummit.

Rates of Domestic violence among NFL players is actually the same as nationwide. They are just celebrities, so you hear about it. But playing in the NFL is a privilege, so the players are held to higher standards. Allegedly. Unless there isn't video of you knocking out your wife. Then, 2 games.

I remember.

I know. I read it.

I'm not even a mariners fan but I read Lookout Landing, and the great Jeff Sullivan. Their baseball stuff is pretty great for most teams, and basketball too, but the football ones are mostly populated with football fans, who are by and large fairly terrible people.

Agreed with this. Even my trusty SBN has mostly mouth breathing football coverage and communities from its member blogs.

As long as they agree to never ever learn anything about what they are watching.

But one of them was the Falcons, so does that even count? Did that really even happen?

I'm running Murray and Romo out there, and picked the cowboys to win. What the fuck was wrong with me when I made those decisions.

That is really the key.

Randy Moss is the best.

Wait, are we not all pro-ebola?

Just don't be an idiot and go from Bullets to Wizards and you're golden. Just be the Washington Deadlock, or something.

Pittsburgh is also a good week 1 pick up, as I don't see Cleveland scoring much.

He was pretty good in a return appearance.