HBO CEO of Tits

My elementary school didn't have walls. Like cubicle things about 8 feet tall were set up for classrooms in like a warehouse. Also, my high school had no shop classes.

They have San Diego. Every team is playing one this year except Detroit and Philly. Green Bay and Seattle play two, tonight's and against Minnesota and San Francisco, respectively.

See, I've always thought of TNF as 'team nobody cares about that has an outside shot at the playoffs" vs. "terrible." So like Cincinatti-Oakland or Detroit-Miami.

St. Louis is a lock for one of the worst possible matchup spots. Bradford dead, rest of the team full of uninspiring workhorse type guys, and oh Kenny Britt is there, I guess. remember him? I'm a Minnesota fan, so that will always appeal to me, but I don't think anyone out there who enjoys football wouldn't want to

Well, then fuck you, buddy.

I haven't looked at the schedule, but I'd be willing to wager there is a scintillating Cardinals-Bills match up. That just screams "Thursday Night Football" to me.

Exactly. Lot's of phony Blackhawks fans all over the place has been the bandwagon I have the most recent experience. My parents moved to San Antonio like 6 months ago and they adopted the Spurs about midway through the second round. It's like that Tyrus Thomas jersey I got my father for Christmas meant nothing to him.

Fuck anyone who can't appreciate Randy Moss, in ALL his glory.

As a Marquette/Vikings/White Sox fan, I forgive Wilson for playing merely one measly season for the hated badgers, hope the Packers get their faces smashed in, and will be drinking from my steam punk barrel man souvenir glass in the hopes the Brew Crew can turn it around. Their exists no picture of me with greater joy

Some outlets counted most of her gargles as "Oh, Fuck!"s, some didn't. There is still a lot of controversy around the official count. Most would agree that El Dan's mother does have a historically filthy mouth, for a number of reasons.

(*Imagines Randy Moss saying this*)

There is one in San Antonio near the Riverwalk.

Cedric the Entertainer and Mike Epps? Was that even Mike Epps?

I will also claim that the Beverly Hillbillies was pretty solid. Diedrich Bader was pretty good in it, if I recall.

Hahaha Burton. GJI was never good.

Next week; The Tyrells: Just what are they up to?

I always think of him coming off double curl screens to hit a catch and shoot on the move 3, but maybe his playbook got changed in Atlanta.

As a whole, we don't appear to be much of a sporting lot, no.


Liked for the impeccably applied Kyle Korver reference.