HBO CEO of Tits

Alfie Allen is employable, so we had to ensure he stuck around, whereas Hodor and Professor Xavier, not so much.

Game of Thrones does roughly 30x the ratings of our typical skin flick, so no. Compelling story PLUS violence PLUS boobs seems to be the key. But probably mostly the first, as our other boobs 'n' blood offerings have not done nearly as well.

Same Blood and Tits time, same Blood and Tits network!

As I said above, maybe Weezer or the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

I think a lot of people gave Zwan an honest shot. Was that 15 years ago?

Maybe Weezer? Red Hot Chilli Peppers?

Luchas de apuestas!

Open a Cheesecake Factory.

Why does Starbucks, the largest of the coffee chains, not simply eat Central Perk?

Anthony junior is a cesium atom.

You know, sometimes I wish you hadn't beat that cancer.

He's on spotify, if you do that. I've only heard The Slow Wonder, and its pretty good if you like the new pornos.

How does this come to happen? Meaning, like, how old are you and how is Together the first thing by the New Pornographers you have?

Oh fuck, kick the Laws Have Changed out of mine and throw July Jones in there, maybe even top 5. Ashamed I forgot about that one.

I mean, yeah, he was there, but like a group of 3-5 people usually, and mixed genders always. You probably wouldn't be surprised to find that when you are looking for ridiculous porn, its pretty unerotic, and very silly. Stuff like Big Sausage Pizza, Pedro the Amputee, Bookworm Bitches and the like. They seemed pretty

In regards to kids watching it in order to understand The Odyssey, besides the obvious reasons, the Coens themselves have never actually read the thing and just wrote a screenplay based on movies and tv they've seen. Which is pretty awesome.

In college I would watch weird porn on occasions with some friends. Pedro the Amputee was a favorite.

They seem generally positive towards me.

I like the reactionaries. It always seems like their first day on the internet.
