HBO CEO of Tits

I doubt Swift fans read much Deadspin, or would even care.

I have conducted an experiment and it turns out if you remove Minaj's ass both Minaj and the ass die.

See also: Meg White.

"No one plays clarinet these days half as good as Benny Goodman. I was born in the wrong generation!"

IF you accept that she used to be county…er, and then went poppy that could be selling out to a larger demographic.

Exactly. I was frankly surprised at how good that isolated track sounded. I pretty much only see "stand there" acts live. I don't need Hamilton Leithauser or Matt Berninger to do a little dance for me, especially since I'm afraid Hamilton will pass out just from singing half his songs.

1. Mass Romantic
2. Letter From an Occupant
3. Streets of Fire
4. The Fake Headlines.
5. It's Only Divine Right
6. All for Swinging You Around
7. The Bleeding Hearts Show
8. Slow Descent into Alcoholism
9. Use it
10. Laws Have Changed

I love Billy on the Street completely and totally. He's not really working on Parks and Rec though, I agree.

Don't tell me how to run a company.

Et hoc est quod bovem de stercore. Quid ego volo ut deambulatio confusionem faciunt Ecclesiam apud illos quadrat de ulva suo margaritis duobus uberibus? Pedicabo ego vos Deus.

The mailbox was Haldeman.

I was particularly proud of those. The one thing I can hang my hat on that bears mentioning in the same sentence Nicky Sobotka's girlfriends tits. Still chasing my predecessor on those.

I believe you, even if Michael wouldn't.

First of all, there aren't enough prox mine spawn points for that to happen in a 4 player game. Second of all, it then becomes a paranoid game of mine sweeper, as you can shoot the mines to activate them from a safe distance, or trigger them by throwing a mine near them. Third of all, if you have successfully laid you

Its score is often — and rightly — derided as one of the very worst of the series. It's the only thing I dislike about the film. Just the opening barrel scene is all you need to realize the score is trash. Its pretty weak when your video game has a better score than your movie.

As he should be. I love them both, but Clay is titan of characterization.

I can hear my friend Tom, that I haven't seen in 15 years, celebrating a kill as Boris right now.

Moonraker is a "hey, lets rip off Star Wars" movie, and it feels like it and all that entails throughout every inch of the film.

None of them make any sense!

Xenia Onatop. She was a pretty great Dragon. Memorable death too. Boris was fine, as well. Whatever, Goldeneye is awesome.