HBO CEO of Tits

Pg-13 Breasts! In the 90s!

I never questioned it. Th real danger of explosions is the shock wave anyway, not the ridiculous hollywood notion of "if I outrun the flames I'm ok." How could you even identify that the cause was shrapnel anyway?

You find the mines, place them in a perimeter around the mine munition, at choke points in intervals of about 3 blast radius's apart, and work back setting them in such a way back to the ammo. re mine the area after one corridor has exhausted its defense perimeter. I never had any self-destruct problems.

At least for Paul Rudd, you have a curious definition of "rapidly."

Sorry its not in packages.

Uh, I guess it does going by the reality of the War on Drugs. Maybe thats on of the reasons for all those protests, people being angry that the state tries to justify murdering citizens in the streets….

She gonna work again. Waaay too many substance abuse issues.

As long as it sounds like a tugboat horn when it fires up I'm on board.

I pulled my copy off the shelf to corroborate your half remembered correction.

She has a part about the favorite lines of her's written by certain writers, and Donald Glover's is from season 2. Also, he appears at the writers strike live show on the season 2 DVD. Also, He wrote for the show from 2006-2009.

The only one of those I REALLY wish there was more of is Bianca. She was my favorite of Jack's love interests, and I think she would have made a pretty good nemesis.

I was talking about this:


Don't forget the Confederate Mt. Rushmore!

wtf is Kyburn lol

I had no idea there existed a place where such an opinion could be considered controversial.

They mostly just wanted an established "name" actor to sell the show with. I know I started watching it as "that show with Danny Devito in it."

True story: I pushed a kid through a window over a game of pogs.

80's Hulk Hogan is terrible. We 90's kids get to be nostalgic for the far superior nWo version.

NL Pennant maybe, but i believe they had no chance against god mode Frank Thomas and Cy Young-form "Black" Jack Mcdowell. 94 was the White Sox year.