HBO CEO of Tits

DC has always had a better knack for logo design than Marvel has.

Apologize again.

Are those real people?

The Big Bang Theory is largely exists to generate profit, so I trust that our new guardians of the nuclear arsenal will realize that their use is not profitable, as it kills and destroys too effciently to effectively print the kind of money you can, say, selling bullets and guns and rockets for the forseeable future,

She's alive! Soft and alive…

Fuck those people.

Now explain to me how "Soft Kitty" is funny!

Cincinatti Bengals Quarterback. Noted red-headed professional athlete, and pretty middle of the road qb. Top tier back up qb in 12 team leagues, with some occasions for spot starts.

Nerds can also play it. my live football draft is one of my yearly highlights of the summer, with my college buddies league.

Like many Americans.

I've had relatives recommend it, but none have dared to compare me to those awful, awful characters.

They prefer the term Bang Theorist.

Tax breaks.

There are 240 House of Payne episodes. That is more than 30 Rock and Community combined.

I like Married and You're the Worst, although they need to make Judy Greer less of a killjoy.

We're not listening. We know you nerds that CARE about what you watch isn't where the bread is buttered.

Are you familiar with the bizzarre death march to syndication of Fox's Til Death?

Oh, so we're not pretending Norton Hulk doesn't exist?

I went with my 13-year-old little sister and she asked who that guy was that had visibly dropped my jaw, and I said "Howard the Mother Fucking Duck. Those crazy bastards." The usher lady sweeping up popcorn just about fell down laughing at me.

He's probably counting the dancing shrub/knife-cleaning.