HBO CEO of Tits

I saw the movie at the Alamo drafthouse last night, and before the movie started They played trailers for both Ice Pirates and Star Crash, interspersed with scenes they appeared in in marvel shows, and a whole lot of youtube videos of peoples pet racoons. It was pretty awesome.

My favorite action sequences of Winter Soldier were Falcon zooming around being generally awesome. Unlikely to be dethroned as favorite action of the year. Nothing from Guardians came close to being as cool, frankly, although I really liked the film.

Is it really artificial if its laid out in the opening credits sequence of the damn pilot, and every episode after that? If thats artificial, then the entire series is, and artifice ceases to be a useful criticism.

To be completely frank, there is no possible way to make over 500 episodes of something that are all as good as those 200 or so golden age Simpsons ones.

Let's tab this out, shall we?
Good, memorable: Loki, Obadiah Stane, Red Skull
Good, if not memorable: Robert Redford/Winter soldier, Savin
Bad/forgetable: Ronan, Malekith, Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke, I didn't see the hulk one.

He was pretty funny in Moneyball. The funniest part of that movie was the kicking ass winning games montage which was just stylized shots of dudes taking walks. It was glorious.

That moment was fantastic, because he did think it was weird for like a split second, and then immediately accepted it. Great work, Pratt.

You exhume a body, not a grave, you cretin.

Sure, but one of those white dudes is a fucking raccoon. They are employing people of color in the craaazy space movie which is better than not doing that. I agree there is work to be done, though.

Agent Abed, and they are doing a Luke Cage Netflix show too. Gamora counts, and Batista is half Filipino, I think. And Vin Diesel considers himself, in his words, "a person of color," despite not knowing anything about his father. Guardians sure helps their numbers quite a bit.

Beats me.

I mean yeah. Its a metaphor for like living life, and also dancing. I don't think its any more egregious than "Q:Are we not men? A; We are Devo!"

Huh, what do you know.

Well you did say that her favorite movie was how to lose a guy in 40 days, When the movie in question is how to lose a guy in TEN days, so maybe that was the lie.

Its because the word porno sounds like garbage there and lands with a total thud. Which makes me feel like its a terrible lyric whether you can twist into making sense or not, because it sounds just mind-numbingly awful. Its a good tune if you ignore that line though.

That makes complete and total sense. Whats the issue here?

Oh man, Mr. Jones isn't confusing, just astonishingly terrible. OK, "everybody wants to pass as cats" makes no sense and is also terrible, I'll grant you.

Most of the time. He has released a depressing amount of albums since the 90s.

At least "Are we human or are we dancer" makes some kind of emotional sense. You can kind of understand what hes going for. Not the case for Swifts non-sense jumble. Was she one of those teen stars that never graduated high school?

Basically any Pavement Lyric, other than "What about the voice of geddy lee/ How did it get so high?/ I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy?/(I know him and he does!)/ And you're my fact-checkin' 'cuz!"