HBO CEO of Tits


Every time I think of a good Ewan McGregor performance it turns out that was Jude Law.

Meth Ferret guy was the best Big Bad of any season of FNL.

That's a fucking lie, we talk about season 2 all the time. For a "terrible" season it's actually still really quite good.

It makes me think of Come on Eileen, even more than the name Eileen, incidentally.

The only show I know my parents watched before I was born and enjoyed was Star Trek: TNG. I could have been Riker of Tits.

This is an excellent joke. Also, go Vikings. We're still looking for that Tarkenton replacement.

I mean, dude's a hack. You never go "oh, this is Bennett MIller's distinctive directing style, can smell it a mile away." He's a solid director, knows where to put the camera and stuff, he just never leaves a lot of "there" there. That's a hack. Guys like Dennis Duggan and Uwe Boll WISH they were hacks.

And even her shit rom-coms were pretty good, I still really enjoy In Good Company.

I bought The Man Who Wasn't There from a truck stop in Arkansas for 7 dollars. Scarlett is in it.

Miller's the hack who did Moneyball and Capote right?

EXCELLENCE and what is Valor?

I thought that was So and So, but I may be wrong. I do know that there was a girl in college that I would always great with "Allie Cooney! She's in love with EVERY BOY!" in the voice and everything. That was probably one of the most annoying things I've ever done to someone in my life.

Let's kick back with some nice cool Expense Account Ones.

I find the coats of arms interesting, the meals much less so.

Bo Dallas' gimmick is fantastic and I will not abide you denigrating it.


He even spent a semester or 2 at my alma mater Marquette, as well. Danny Pudi went there too, and a bunch of NBA guys. Oh, Chris Farley.

I went to Benet Academy. Our big claims to fame are some members of Survivor, the first girl that Bill Murray sleeps with in Groundhog Day (Marita Garrity is the actresses name?), and Diablo Cody.

It's a community college, albeit one of the best ones in the nation, I'm told. UCLA was a popular name for it, University Closest to Lagrange Avenue.