HBO CEO of Tits

Incubus infested, you cretin.

Snide little shit Nathan is my favorite Nathan. It's this Nathan that gives us the gold of "Reign of Terror: Where Pussies Go to Relax."

I feel better now, thanks.

I love this show, but I watched the 25ish Nathan on Your Side segments that are on youtube over the last week to satiate my hunger for the premier, and being familiar with the polygraph segment already kinda ruined it for me a bit. Also, I just just feel terrible for people who believe in exocism and demons and shit

He's not familiar with this name,but is certain that it is a demon.

You monster. I was happy for one fleeting second and you ruined it.

Is it? well, I'm watchin' burning love tonight!

I hope that is not a vibrator and instead is an actual magic implement.

I have 2 left. I am saving them for future mouth pain.

I have like 7 Gmail accounts because I have to make one every time I think of a one-off joke user name and register it.

Well. They do a lot of things terribly, but I like their fantasy sports interfaces.

Talk about an impenetrable online fan community. It's one massive inscrutable circle jerk with Bang Bus fans.

As you should. Around our HBO schedule. Check out The Leftovers Sunday nights at 10 pm! Make sure to have all your orgasms in by then!

You wouldn't BELIEVE how many Swedish grammy's the hives have. They might catch ABBA.

This is the most true thing that has ever been spoken.

Thank god Lemon Parties aren't mandatory.

I'm sure you know the answer, if you allow yourself to search you heart and come to grips with the truth.

Yup, its becoming the new paradigm for the golden age of television.

Yeah, its a lot more squirmy racist than Jesus Christ Disney, what the FUCK racist.

Sure, fine, its artist vs. artisan as far as the person goes, but cinematography is more related to to the appearance of the image than camera moves, which is what that sequence is most notable for.