HBO CEO of Tits

Every generation get a couple winters, like 3-4, if they live to 60. They are coming off an unusually long like decade long summer though, and people as old as John Snow can barely remember winter.

RIP-gritte is all I got.

Margarey is a lot older than Tommen. Some fucked up matches happen when a throne is involved.

Nope, he's a noble blunderer, his father's son through and through.

The experts are angry for the same reason a newbie might be a little miffed. Because the big Battle of the Wall episode didn't actually end the Battle of the Wall. Anti-climax and what not.

Doubt he's dead. He was still giving them what for verbally.

Mole's town Prostitutes HATE her

Tell that to No Ordinary Family.

It's ok Lemur. I also remember Lexicon Devil and mbs and Tom Waits for Snowman.

This is a fool's errand. My favorites, "Guns of Brixton" and "Rudy Can't Fail," Haven't even been mentioned yet. What a stupidly fantastic album.

He should die insulting the dragon's licentious mother. First is a bit too omni-internet for my tastes, and one feature of it we have mostly browbeaten into submission. Nothing says Ser Avey Clubbe to me more than Dawes, Dan in Real Life II, the Big Book of Butts, and the tendency of every A.V. club poster to happen

It's 3 griffins taped together. Real dragons just don't look like dragons on film.

I like Joe Walsh's song "In the City" that plays at the end of "The Warriors," but that might just be because of the context.


I'm not into it either. Usually I can tell what things are trying to accomplish even if I don't enjoy it, but Everett just baffles me.I saw her first season performance quite a few times, and it still just didn't click. Maybe it becomes clear when the vulgar act is not on TV, but I am pretty sure it doesn't work as

Before you go make sure you know the dance floor bro/ho ratio.

Well, I was going to but now I won't.

Titcraft is a rather modern innovation.

Tits sell. Dicks don't. Simple as that.

That's what I strive for.