HBO CEO of Tits

Elegantly crafted ones at that.

Martin Campbell is one of the very best hacks in the business. He'll come in, not make much of a fuss, and turn out a solid movie if you'll let him. There is no shame in being a competent hack.

Mexican Radio

I'm not corrupt.


I met him at a party once and he was pretty fun.

One of the more underrated Sierra series.

We just call them "writers."

But the Period Monster is asking if pretty ladies, specifically Tina Fey, do the falling down, farting, food monster stuff, Tina's done pratfalls, "snarted," and has quite a long resume of food humor. She may not have shit in a sink exactly, but eating on the toilet was the closest thing to it I could think of. Any

Yahoo is also one of the most awful places on the internet, comments sections wise.

"I think I'll make Thai for dinner. Did I finish all the coconut milk last time? No, I think there's still enough left."

Tina Fey does things like eat on the toilet and such, pretty much the same wheelhouse really.

To be honest, it sounds a lot better when you describe it than the trailers looked.

I'm partial towards guest stars as my favorite characters, particularly Dennis Duffy, Wesley Snipes, Kelsey Grammer, Donny the Page, Devin Banks, and Kaylee Hooper. Basically any antagonist. But I'd take Jack from all the regulars. Jenna's fourth after Liz and Sue Larouche Van Der Hoot.

She majored in Prom Queens and Murdered Runaways at The Royal Tampa Academy of Dramatic Tricks.

Her Janie Jimplin/ Janet Jimpler/ Jackie Jormp-Jomp plot she got "saddled" with is one of my favorite things the show ever did. Also the line "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy she poisoned so this other boy would go to town on her" is probably one of the best things I've ever heard in my life, as is "He had


Hear hear!

All About Steve?

If I recall correctly its more of a fiery sensation.