HBO CEO of Tits


That goth chick is like 50 though.

Yeah, we're the same guy. It is some disqus tomfoolery that is confusing you. I can't for the life of me find out how to change the picture signing in through AVC portal, but I could through disqus.

Seeing the anonymous face where Ricky Coogin used to stare back at me makes me ask the question, how do you change the avatar on this thing now? I have taken some more casual shots that I think will make me come off as more approachable than my current formal get up does.

I loved the Battle Royal too. Lots of pretty neat spots, and the right guy won in iconic fashion. Plus I just love me some Cesaro.

Shoemaker is just a fantastic writer. I highly recommend him. I also really enjoy Brandon Stroud's best and worst write ups for With Leather. Those 2 spoil me for basically any other wrestling writing.

I thought Rey Rey was mostly busted for diuretics, since he's mostly just been getting fat as he ages. Still loved him tearing up WCW though.

The hair cuts are that way because long hair adds to the theater of the whole thing. it looks better to have the hair flail around when selling punches/headbutts/what have you. I agree that it looks terrible, and most of them like soak it in water before competing.

Emotionally satisfying, maybe, but there are at least 5 Pinkerton songs that are more vulnerable.

Whatever, redlegs.

Clint Eastwood is my motherfucking shit.

During the vetting process, I can confirm that mermaids possess tits but beyond that is anyone's guess.

I don't know, I wanted to like Rio Bravo, but I could just never buy Dean Martin as an alcoholic.

Who did Syrio murder? He had a wooden sword!

It's almost as if Seinfeld was an enormously popular show that people remember and enjoy to this day or something.

Hey man, I got kids to feed.

Your fault for going to the HBO CEO of Tits and asking for Dong.


I have all the power I could ever want.

I was also watching what may have been the best Wrestlemania ever at that time. Thats the whole point of HBO Go, you can watch at your convenience!