HBO CEO of Tits

I find House of Cards' intro to be a cheap knock off of Homelands, so double bad.

Is this a joke?

Its definitely THE tv. Which TV was THE TV is one of the great, hilarious mysteries of the show.

Holy fuck I hate that intro so goddamn much. This is the first I had I ever experienced this abomination. I grew up on the Bing Crosby version, and this 80's monstrosity makes me want to hunt down whoever is responsible and give ol' Bing the justice he deserves.

Don't you talk back!

So, I guess I'm just watching intros on youtube for the next hour or so…

Everyone of A Certain Age does.

Oh, fuck yeah, Boondocks. I blame its absence from the air for my oversight.

Sometimes I wish the sun would… just explode…

As an employee in the Tits division of HBO I highly recommend that you should not watch an episode of True Blood under any circumstances. Also, I'm trying to get Life and Times of Tim back on HBO Go, don't worry.

I prefer season one without the narration. I'll still remember how jarring that show was when I first watched it when I was 12 or so. At such a young age sometimes it was hard for me to tell it was comedy, although its channel should have been a good indicator. I still loved it, asit always made me laugh or feel

If I'm honest with myself, Flight of the Chonchords.

I hated those glimpses. I felt spoiled. I would always shut my eyes during those.

I really enjoyed Weeds when they were doing little boxes covers by it seemed a different one of my favorite artists every week. The Thermals! Regina Spektor! The Decemberists!

Terriers is an absolutely acceptable answer.

It was by far my least favorite part of the show. Except for maybe Logan. Its a dead heat.

Absolutely. I think I'll fire Tank! up right now, in fact.

I think some sort of mask face would really be her badge, but both of them as knives is funnier.

I love that prepubescent little murder angel.