HBO CEO of Tits

He's not going to give away huge turning points in the damn preview, you cretins. I liked this one better than the other 2 preview chapters at least.

There was no stabbing, all slashing. What did you read?

I was not amused.

Thats what Billy on the Street generally is. Running around frantically screaming about celebrities. I like a segment where he randomly accosts strangers on the street, asks them if they can guess the value of a prize, gives it to them if they are correct, and smashes it and runs away if they are wrong. He just

Quimby Propositions 24 at Ballet

Holy shit it worked! I've been trying to use water like an idiot this whole time!


I know if I watched it my favorite character would invariably be the Stuka divebomber.

Whoa, huge burn on Spacey outta no where.

Corinth is famous for their leather!

I once ate a chicken sandwich from a Sonic in Pensacola when I was there for a soccer tournament. I still have fond memories of that sandwich, so Pensacola is fine by me.

I want it and I want it now.

Doing a bang up job.

Or the gist of it for free, all over the internet.

I woulda hooked him up, but he had to give the rub to Plelper instead.

Don't acknowledge the downvotes.


I have a friend named Bob Johnson, and he is teased mercilessly for his name. It's really one of the most harmless things to poke fun at.

She has an impossibly bland name, like Christine Tyler or something.