HBO CEO of Tits

You're doing fine, DP, don't let 'em get you down. You'll get a lot of pushback when reviewing a show that frankly just puts out a lot of C episodes.

I also don't care for Maron.

I want it so bad it hurts. This is even worse than waiting for Inside Llewyn Davis was.

I remember reading the Bible as a child for the first time and I got to the tower of babel and 6-year-old me thought "Oh man, this is such ass-covering bullshit."

Didn't one time they rolled the cameras and there is just like a sad solitary rocking chair on stage Tina Fey just goes "Oh yeah, we forgot to write anything."

It would clearly be both. And the electro-shock, and butter churning or whatever they made that wayans do.

What the fuck man, this is bullshit.


I wanted to hear about Delta Farce and Barbershop.

Yup, must have been a hundred years ago if she described someone as a "drip."

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, YOU'RE cool, and fuck you, I'm out!" - Shia LeBeouf.

Even Stevens was a terrible show, but Shia was clearly the best part of it. HIs talent as a comedic actor was very evident.

wheres hand, titty fuck, and frotage? And for the weirdos, footjob?

Borderline is charitable.

How you fail to rape a baby after you set your mind to it is my question.

I, as always, will take the side of the major corporation.

You need to watch Bob's burgers a bit more, Sister. The episode Dr. Yap in particular.

I recommend online dating. Most of the sad sacks on this website write pretty darn well, and that's the perfect arena to put that skill to good lady use.

If you think that this movie won't be guys trying and failing to pick up women with ridiculous techniques that fail, and one guy who is very good at getting laid all the time but not connecting on a deeper level, all realizing that being true to yourself to find love and then settling down than you are very unfamiliar

The 1970's has only a passing familiarity with a razor.