HBO CEO of Tits

Children's hospital is fantastic, and NTSF is ok. I just want Tom Goes to the Mayor back.

Fuck this bedtime stories nonsense BRING BACK TOM GOES TO THE MAYOR

It's by Avoid One Thing. I have it from some Atticus or Punk-o-rama comp or something like that. The line "I wanna sing like Tom Delonge" is the climax of the song pretty much, and always stuck with me as something no one should say, ever. I fancied myself as punker-than-thou for a good stretch of high school. "New

I wanna be in a pop punk band
The kind that ride in a pop punk van
I know what I'm gonna wear
I'll have spikey pop punk hair
Bore us, bore us, get us to the chorus
Just can't stop it, got it at hot topic
No need to read the lyric sheet
It's the same old song, same old harmony
I'm gonna find me a pop punk girl
It's not tough in

…And then Avril Lavigne came.


@RedScarab:disqus I'm the same way, except I don't enjoy their music.

Uh, I'm sorry, why is this the first I have heard of this? Why wasn't that in the trailer? Everyone would have gone to see predators if it had been.

It is safer to have your children box than play football.

Tell that to "8 Simple Rules for Dating my Teenage Daughter."

@avclub-89ac30c8e51720bb7f847a73905537df:disqus  Damian Lewis' mouth is weird, as if he had just sucked on something very sour at all times.

*gets Jane addicted to heroin*

I heard if A.A. Dowd gives any movie an "A" he has to take one away from his name.

I am pretty sure that show is on tuesdays.

I'm not embarrassed that I watch WWE RAW, but I am kind of ashamed that I usually watch the first 10 minutes of Summer Camp after its over. I tell myself its because I'm lazy, but its probably not.

I concur.

I'm with you. I don't particularly care if Schmidt is exhibiting acceptable human behavior or not, but he is making this show hilarious, and that I do care about. NIck sternly declaring that you can only have one wife to Schmidt, and then shrugging his shoulders when asked why, absolutely killed me this episode.

Ventures Brothers has been doing it for a decade now.

It's like a puppy mill, but more humane.

There's nothing wrong with that.