HBO CEO of Tits

You'd probably be reading more of these if your review went up the same time as the comments space. Your kudos are well-earned.

Season 5 included Magnets, bitch.

From my experience, angry nerds with a bunch of pop-culture one-liners nobody understands typically have sex with each other.

"That was the trite, obvious way to end it, so we rejected that pretty early on…" — Scott Buck

What exactly is Jesse's rap sheet at this point? He's got no convictions for meth, I believe.

Ozymandias, …and the Bag's in the River, Better Call Saul (seriously that opening is probably my favorite scene in the show), Crawl Space, Felina, Pilot, Grilled.

I liked that he and Jesse sort of became friends again. I don't like it when they fight.


In line at a soup kitchen, probably.

Little did Lance know that before he died that rapist paid the best hitman west of the Mississippi $100,000 dollars to track him down.

They kinda handwave it with everyone commenting on how surprised they are at his hair. I give them a pass. HIs ninja skills have somehow drastically improved.

I liked the finale. It was pretty good.

I went there, and sadly, they do not indicate next to the movies what kind of accent he used. Some one should add that in.

@Sini_Star:disqus  didn't check back in you guys. I fear the worst.

WHAT?! Why is this the first I'm hearing of this?! I've got some calls to make.

I read the books before I saw any of the show, so I really liked them, because its got a crackerjack plot. And the characters that occupy it ain't half bad neither. So I tore through the suckers. That being said, I can't imagine starting a plot and not wanting to experience the rest of it if its out there. Like If i'd

Mugsy Bogues wasn't really that good, was he?

I don't think I've ever heard him use a not-Brittish accent. I'm going to IMDB to find out if he ever has.

Because without that title, they wouldn't be able to set up Marge Gundersen's iconic line, "Fargo fuck  yourself!"

Chris O'Dowds' Officer Rhodes from Bridesmaids. He seems an agreeable sort of fellow, and [SPOILER ALERT] he was really lenient about that tail light. Also, he's tough. I just basically wish cops weren't always such dicks all the time.