HBO CEO of Tits

Yup. You never hear about Banana Guards violatin' civil liberties. They get my vote.

I vote Earth-2 Broyles.

We are directly under the sun… NOW!

I am not above reproach.

It's a good documentary, I guess, if you are into 6'5" 230 lbs quarterback with a laser rocket arm.

Good thing I saw this before posting the very same thing. Here's a like for your troubles.

Lol everyone loves morons smashing their heads together. With this education budget? They ain't turning against this shit any time soon.

That should have been Minnesotas interception! Stupid fucking Favre asshole having the best season of his career and then fucking up field goal range…

And he's pretty goddamn funny when you look at his commercial and SNL resumes. Maybe even regular funny, not just for an athlete.

It was produced by the SEC, which explains why it focused on the college years, to McFarland's delight.

They are certainly treated different by my fantasy team. If it weren't for kickers, I wouldn't have a single white face staring back at me. I also hate pretty much every white college basketball player ever.

Psh. People were arguing RGIII might have even been the better pick than Luck. Both were regarded as the top 2 QBs of the last 5 years.

THey were both pretty good QBs, Rivers was just cursed with Schottenheimers playoff luck whereas Coughllins hard-ass routine resulted in a couple superbowls instead of a couple firings this time.

If anything I thought he was hiding his cancers return since sometime in season 4.

Because having 2 copies is funnier.

20 miles to her?

None. Taken.

You tell 'im,  @avclub-ebea2325dc670423afe9a1f4d9d1aef5:disqus  !

Are you even watching the show? There hasn't been a lick of incest for over 2 seasons now.

I'm guessing Charlie and the Chocalate Factory is similar. Probably Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as well. I don't know though because i'm certainly not going to watch it.