HBO CEO of Tits

I just had oral surgery, so I mostly just feel like dying right now.

I have always read "Real estate novelist"meaning he's a lying ass real estate agent. You know, like he writes glowing descriptions of shitty properties.

"Jeremy" started the ball rolling, but P.O.D's "Youth of the Nation" is why today  all of our children are educated in blissful peace.

"Glycerin" (future hate song candidate) was Bush.

To my knowledge, yes. 3rd Minnesota Viking, after Adrian Peterson and Sydney Rice.

Perkins was saying Winslow would make a sound effect of spinning in his grave, an extension of the sound effect of having his head explode, which often causes death. Lets wait for the new guy to fuck up before we run him out of town on a rail. I do kind of like that being the Sunny reviewer is basically being the

They are solid picks. Though Walsh aint gonna kick that well again this year.

I thought the Pierce cup would be appropriate, for correctly predicting future events.

You should read David Shoemaker even if you hate pro wrestling.

Even I think that man's constant stripper analogies are unseemly.

Stewart, Kristen.

Handsome Pete?

You need to get Alligator to add screaming cathartically to the mix.

I haven't been this not-excited about one of my very favorite bands' new release since The Walkmen's Pussycats

Hey man, its the Marion Hossa contract round these parts.

This is true, but at this point I vastly prefer Walter and Perry, and trust me, I want to like Andy and Ollie just as much, but I can't. And I think there is already as many episodes of BB at this point as Home Movies ever had, so its not like they haven't had the time. I basically only like them when Louise is

You'll just have to call it Lee Daniels' Good Will Humping

I just see them as hollow husks where my walter and perry used to be.

I'll see what I can do on the last 3.

If you've got yourself a stiff, don't dump it in a ditch
Bring your corpse to Mort's!