HBO CEO of Tits

How have I read a an entire Bad Religion circle jerk and no one has mentioned Suffer, or my personal favorite, No Control yet?


Its super embarrassing. Theres even a Bad Religion song in there, and a pretty solid one at that.

Because Corporations don't sponsor concourses, they sponsor Jumbotrons!

I'll be fine, they will only hunt the poor elderly for sport.

Well, I hope you didn't like seeing that shit team play in that shithole park that much, because they are putting up a Jumbotron, and advertisements as far as the eye can see! Long live the Ricketts! Long live capitalism!

My grandmother still "treats" herself with chalk candy when we go to the ballpark. I am so glad I didn't grow up during the 30s.

Gordon Beckham of the Chicago White Sox uses The OutField's "Your Love" and it is a frankly fantastic walk up song.

That sound is heaven to me. My college played in an NBA arena, so we had like NBA DJ stuff, and a totally shitty Pep band, because our music program was terrible. But our team was really good so hearing the sneakers meant our awesome team was playing again and not our shitty band.

I can't fathom how absolutely abysmally a wedding reception must be going tor the motherfucking Cha Cha Slide to be able to SAVE it.

No one has seen a Nashville Predators game.

I guess no one told this Heller fellow how things work around here.

I remembered it had a wedding, and also that I only could watch like 30 minutes of it. I think that had more to do with it being a 2 character indie talk fest than the gimmick, though.

When my grandmother drinks too many martinis sometimes she puts a glowstick in her hair.

I pushed for Shirley Maclaine. Fucking Downton…


I'm  old hat at this here internet contraption, been on since '95, but this phineas and ferb reference confounds me nonetheless.

I'm trying to imagine what else you might have pictured for jojen, and I am drawing a blank. seemed pretty good to me.

In my head they've morphed into a single series called "Proflender"

Do single people buy blenders? Well, we don't know. And frankly, we don't want to know.