HBO CEO of Tits

Most people hit up 7-11. Because its CONVENIENT.

[completely appropriate and natural Arrested Development quote]

I feel like there's no place for an Ol' fashioned CEO in the shiny future of The Dissolve. Sometimes I feel like the world is just passin' us executives of titties right on by.

Weird? Or the BEST decision?

Dammit, this always happens. Bunheads is a fantastic show and you are only cheating yourself by not watching, or imagining what my position on another network indicates about my enjoyment of this show. We need more people to know the glory of Bunheads!

I think in this version he's just into that?

Now now, we should all try our best not to rape people.


Charlie Day is in this? Now I might consider it…

Getting passed ElDan's mom means you made it here? She got passed to me before I even heard of this site.

Oh @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus , I know. But every new shred manages to amaze me once again.


There is really nothing like Catholic school to let a kid learn just enough about religion to mock it forever.

Is there really? Maybe I should watch without a trace…

Yeah, pot makes me puke or fall asleep immediately while drinking, and I am always drinking, so I don't smoke pot.

"I don't like sci-fi."

"You're rocket's HUGE" it plays on an infinite loop on the DVD menu! I woke up to Maureen and Bill so many times after falling asleep with that disc in!

I had a dress code at my Catholic high school that I was not overly fond of. I received 56 detentions in my four years there, mostly for petty bullshit like not shaving or wearing a tie made out of duct tape (there is still no item of the dress code that mandates what material a neck tie must be made of!), wearing

I've read a lot of Todd's writing, and a lot about his past, but the depths of how square he was still never cease to astound me.

That's  not a nice, petty pet-pet rooster.