HBO CEO of Tits

Be eh bay be ee be be i bicky bi be oh bo bicky bi bo be oh boo bicky by bo bo boo boo.


And how come Batman doesn't dance anymore?

Vince McMahon is still alive.

I also really enjoyed the nikki and paolo episode, but I watched the whole thing on netflix so i didn't have the anguished waiting of regular Lost viewers.

Yeah, but that is a lesson she should have pretty much learned from, oh, say, any conversation she ever had with her brother.

I really hope this account is run by the real cookie monster just to prove to himself how much we love him.

I remember vivdly in first grade I was caught cheating on a spelling test. I had the unmitigated gall to hide my sheat sheet under the conduct chart that was taped to all of our desks. I was an excellent speller, however, and the cheat sheet only had the bonus words written on them,, not even the test ones. I still

That's the pipe smoking Neo Nazi.

You can't confuse him with the cuddly film of the same name, The Fantastic Mr. Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov .

All of the most prolific serial killers in history were medical professionals.

HOw many words is Pol Pot?

Didn't he basically already play Areo Hotah in that Thor Movie?

Psh. I wish. With this tits budget?

HBO has the legal right to take away anything it wants from you. You have to read your cable contract closer.

Yeah, the blackfish pretty much HAS to get to do something cool eventually. I predict he does wind up with sansa at some point.

Yeah, there is a reason everyone who plots (varys, littlefinger, dornish people, tywin, illyrio mopatis, stannis, etc.) doesn't get a POV chapter because dramatically speaking "He's My master plan! (12 episodes later) It worked!" is not exactly riveting. Thats why in drama any one who lays out a plan has it go awry

If I had it my way, I wouldn't stop until its just The Jason Stackhouse and Pam Show . They are married and it is a family sitcom where she just insults Jason for a half hour and there some titties I guess I don't know I'm just spitballing here.

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And yet Bran is still breathing terribly boring breaths.