HBO CEO of Tits

I always assumed it was Obi-wan, but I am functionally illiterate.

I don't even OWN a book.

I love imitation cookie monster because of how much everyone hates him. People HATE him worse than Michael Bay and Rob Schneider combined.

Ugh, no one ever fucking dies on True Blood. Its really annoying.

We all have to start somewhere.

Fucked a Martian?

Lol the commie award for most effective troll goes to….

You are thinking of La Roux

season 6 and 7 are worthy of existing as well. NOt all of it mind you, but you take what you can get in the hinterlands of a sitcoms run. I am always of the opinion that ONE additional great episode justifies 100 episodes of total crap that miss the mark after a show is past its prime.


Every time, I laugh as loud and as long as homer. His "woops!" with the files flyiing is HILARIOUS. The rest of that class is superhuman to restrain themselves.

@avclub-ca8e4b363f85fdb30c00a0ad943cf6f4:disqus Season…9? What?

Oh man i remember my "when sin starts" sex "education!" I hadn't even gotten a girl to  reliably remember my name and I still thought it was a complete joke.

well observed.

It's cool. All adventurous women do.

It's your favorite moment because you are a right-thinking person.

I feel like the administration would be aware of such a system, and Desario would be QUITE brazen to invent that.

He just needed Kowchevski's Dad to speak of him like a god.

Noshing and Moshing immediately leaps to the forefront of anyone who has ever fastened more than 2 safety pins to their clothing, me included. And the geek story is amazing in it as well.

I started getting erections at seven years old . I had no idea what the fuck that shit was about. They'd mostly happen in the mornings when I'd wake up, and usually have to pee, so I assumed my dick was just filling up with urine, which was confirmed when my boner went away after my morning pee. It got more confusing