HBO CEO of Tits

I have to deal with "3rd act problems" every day of my goddamn life. If I could resolve them JUST ONCE as well as this episode did, I'd die a happy man.

Its probably the best moment in the entire series, and I'm surprised the review did not dwell on it longer. I can't even come up with analogues to compare it to in any narrative media.

I'm probably a bit more PDA than is socially acceptable, but it is less about "marking my territory," and more about "I am literally always horny."

I was slightly embarrassed that I lost mine like a month after I turned 17, but that was probably because I skipped the third grade, so a month after my 17th birthday was halfway through senior year.

He who has not crashed a sports over a beef with Paul McCartney shall cast the first stone.

That protestant showboat was never in the Beatlles.

I think that would still qualify as "cool"

I want to punch the blood brothers vocalist(s) the most. And I love the blood brothers.

Its about getting a boner after the condom is already one. Its not subtle.

Like, stds weren't really a concern back then. Go to the doctor, get a shot, who gives a fuck. I miss those days sometimes. Most times.

I would hope she would have known the score by the time song came out.

I was all like "don't be so mean to this poor one hit wonder guy I've never heard of!" and then the interview continues and I learn that stephen stills is of cosby stills nash and young fame, and then i proceeded to nod my head, as if to say, "yeah, fuck that guy."

I'll have you know that an italicized done means that an upper level executive of secondary sexual characteristics has performed sexual congress with, in case that was not your intent.

I really, really enjoyed that entire sketch, actually. The whole hook of having like and old time country dude with all that ridiculous stuff really hits my sweet spot.

I'd swap gremlins for The Apartment , but its mostly because I still hold a candle for Shirley Maclaine. Stupid fucking Downton shit robbed me of my dream lady Olenna.

Tryna play like…  you know me?

If one more person complains to me about the lack of tits or bloody merkins on their HBO show…

I mean it doesn't really get much more hipstery than spike jones, dave eggers, and karen o. I loved the film, though, and most stuff that is, you know, good.

Gabe from the Office had all the funniest scenes in that movie.

I wouldn't speak so soon. Aaron Sanchez just plain hates the Japanese