HBO CEO of Tits

Hear, hear.

I did not find his character very amusing in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, even though he was apparently the break out star of that film. Get Him to the Greek was better, but had different problems. He's fine is what I mean, but sometimes he can get on my nerves. This was not one of those times.

It was called "The Fire."

Yeah, Brand seems completely charming, articulate, and polite, and the Morning Joe crew appear to be rude morons to him for no reason. I'm going to go with Brand in this instance, although I often find him unpleasant. , “You are talking about me as if I’m not here, and as if I’m an extraterrestrial.” is exactly what

He should have said blast when he asked for the flavor, then Michael would have known.

I give that a pass, because they needed a reason for Jim to dump her, and it makes it easier if we see some downsides.

The deleted scenes of season one are fantastic.

Well, his meanest, non-toby division. But those are just so hilarious I give them a pass, except maybe in Hot Girl when hes basically insulting Toby's entire life in front of Amy Adams. That is some uncomfortable stuff.

This is the correct opinion.

She was.

Damn not-refreshing…

It really is fantastic. His best casual racism is his insistence that stanley is his sassy black friend despite all evidence to the contrary.

I think basketball is an excellent episode, and the dark acidic tone really won me over as a fan. The standoff at the end has an excellent "no one wins" dread to it that I cherish. Basketball and halloween are two of my favorites for this reason, they really capture the bleak tone of the brittish original.

I thought they produce very thirsty babies? maybe I should watch these again. I really do think the first 5 episodes after the pilot are excellent episodes by and large…

It was clearly a clitoris alien, c'mon. It had a little hood and everything! That movie was wall to wall vagina monsters.

Make it a White Sox cap and I'll green light it.

We squeeze out toothpaste tubes from the middle and wait until the last minute to pay our telephone bills!

Gump sat alone on a bench in the park
My name is Forrest, he casually remarked

It is a B-52s song. There is nothing different stylistically or lyrically from anything the B-52s ever did. Its frankly amazing.

I know! I was like "Dog Eat Dog?" Why that song? I did not like it as a kid because I had no knowledge of the talking heads. But its kind of fantastic listening to it now that I know who they are.