HBO CEO of Tits

The AV Club

I'll have you know I fought tooth and nail against this. I'm all for gay equality and all that, but daddy ain't filling his pocket books with consulting fees unless they slip some bulldykes in there.

I understand your pain. I'd feel threatened if there was some other CEO hanging around.

Also for the people just wanting to watch the spanish series and not be bothered by those assholes lording it over them that they watched the english version already.

I would like to make internet wagers on survivor, in whatever capacity. Preferably on RC.

I love Erik and so I really liked him calling her a seashell on the beach and got mad at sherri for not letting him finish. He was waiting to make his move at final 5 like a smart person his body just up and gave out. He needs to scoop that ice cream directly into his mouth for like 2 weeks ahead of survivor if he

I'm ok with top ten. whats the canon right now? first  season, heroes vs villains, all stars, fans vs. favorites (1st), race tribes, australia?, the first russel season?, I'd be comfortable throwing phillipines and caramoan in there. What are they up against, Palau? Fiji? Give me malcolm and denise and JEFF KENT

Oh how I hated that. Survivor is one of the few bonds I share with my family.

I am partial towards Colleen from season one, Andrea, and that chick who broke her wrist week one on One World.

Malcolm's Hair would trounce Malcolm the person.

"Inspiring contempt"

Oh man was that even more embarrassing upon rewatch. Especially poor rudy. Was he just not paying attention at all?

I assume any city I have heard of has a side of town crawling with them.

Milwaukee usually gets a stop from anyone I'd want to see, although Ted Leo has a nasty habit of playing Madison and then Chicago, and skipping Milwaukee.

Who is even at Caseterly Rock right now? Kevin Lannister? I'd definitely take my chances at a dude named fucking Kevin.

At least the blues seem to actively encourage stealing, so its cool.

He did, but somehow I still loved him. And I love him even more this time around. Team Erik all the way!

Oh, come on. You're not made of stone. I'll go get the dump truck.

You idiot! He was the best one!

I like The Rapture. spent many a night dancing away to "House of Jealous Lovers" and "Echoes."