HBO CEO of Tits

I try to be.

The actors just like to leave it in afterwards for upwards of a half hour. They tell me it ensures conception, but I don't understand why that is relevant. I just make sure they get them tits on celluloid, and what happens after that is their business.

I read a book, once.

I was not consulted. If I was, you can bet your ass they'd be under the goddamn table and the wife would rend her garments, exposing her chest.

No, I was agreeing with @avclub-4095a01e6ce9fd93ba5f955048310e2b:disqus . The illiterate "people" I was referring to were the filmmakers. Although I can see how it might be confusing as worded.

Apparently that was the entire staff leaving.

Seriously, can people not read any more? This is a goddamned Zach Braff movie. They sit under the table because it is QUIRKY. Its literally the first line of the damn script.

You miss the Commies last year or something? It don't get much bigger than HBO CEO of Tits round these parts.

This is more like Job Internet, at best.

@Dikachu:disqus of @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus , or his  mother?

Jeff's organs.

All of your friends ex-girlfriends adore the movie, that is why every one you know saw it. It is a common phenomenon.

People think Butch Walker deserves recognition?

Now I am sad I have a brother named eric instead of a sister named erica

Is "fire escape" the "was i oughta my head was i oughta my mind how could i have ever been so blind i was waiting for an indication it was hard to find" song? This actually came up last night, and was bugging me.

It seems like there is something to just about all the religions, except the seven. They seem pretty bullshit.

Potential? Joffrey is responsible for the deaths of many, many people at this point.

Yeah, but its not like entire kingdoms weren't trying to slay that very same king, he just got there first. the other stuff is fair.

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus yeah, but these potential season 5 episodes aren't going to make his plot's long slog to them any more tolerable in the meantime.

Stannis wrote a letter to basically everybody about it. Pretty much every one believes it, unless they are loyal to the point of blindness, but those that aren't just kind of ignore it out of personal convenience.