HBO CEO of Tits

None. trying to get Graves to put in one measly tit was like pounding my head against a wall, and about as fruitful. Could of had a nights watch rapist tear a craster wife's top off, could throw littlefinger a brothel scene, Dany doesn't need clothes on, ever, but YOU try getting Alex Graves to listen to reason. I

Yeah, I'm sure bran is going to start doing crazy awesome cripple stuff any day now, and not just having boring dreams forever.

While technically correct, Tywin doesn't seem to give a fuck. They let Ol' Joffers kick Selmy out, So i'm sure they can just give Jaime his lands and title back. Kid's the king, after all.

Pretty sure Jaqen follows the only god, and his name is Death.

Its a valid interrogation technique, and a rather easy way to gain theons trust if getting info out of  him is his real goal. As for killing his own men, he probably did that because he is an asshole.

First Jory in season one, now the ol' bear. Jorah better watch his back, Mormonts dropping like flies.

The dudes that run the other 2 castles the night's watch keep manned are probably top candidates. Also, Janos Slynt, the guy that used to run the kings landing watchmen should be getting up to the wall any day now, and he's got experience.

[sniffs] I didn't even know we were calling him Ol' Big Bear!

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  Oh come on, that was ages ago. He's being nice to the girl now, can't you let it slide?

Three liter bottle of a mountain deeeew!

I don't even OWN a Chunky Express

[scoffs] as if there would be a reason besides making money.

The part where she is shaving for her very important meeting makes me laugh very hard.

Her tits are certainly better.

You always know why you do things, Leo?

Become a professional wrestler?

What guest star Isla fisher did absolutely deserved the cancellation.

Some say I look like former CEO of eMap, David Gilbertson, but I just don't see it.

Corrupt, Pamper, Disown gave me one of the biggest laughs I've ever had on this site.

I'm on Williams side in this instance. Yeah, people died, but won't someone please think of the money here? An executive has gotta eat. I'd hate to see what happened to my good friend, the HBO CEO of Horsedick, happen to Williams. He's down to begging for what he can get on Game of Thrones after that unfortunate