HBO CEO of Tits

Curling is indeed awesome.

He does have the best wrestling column out there right now, and is a smart mark poster boy, but he clearly loves wrestling waaaaaaay too much to accurately be called cynical about it.

@EvelKareebel:disqus I mean, they can't really push him much more than they already are. He is their top non-living-legend. He just had more than a year with the top strap. Til cena's gone and these old guys hit their 50s I can't see how much more of a push they can give him, other than letting him actually close

Oh my god is this raw good. I'm watching it now, and its making wrestle mania look like warmed over donkey shit.

Hell No-ZiggE Langston gets a B+ from me. Ziggler sold the shit out of that chokeslam, and the crowd was primed to yes it up from the get go. I really enjoyed that match.

Miz seems  to have tightened up his figure four lately. But man, that first one was embarrassing. I did better figure 4s in my backyard when I was 9 years old, and that is not hyperbole.

Well, moreso at least.

@avclub-ce6c92303f38d297e263c7180f03d402:disqus Couldn't have said it better myself. I just take Cena as a constant I tend to ignore because hes boring, and its because he always has that same tired ass program just with a different dude.

I do think so. Punk was/is the ind of guy to drop the streak to, but him losing to the  Rock and winning dirty for like 5 PPVs before that made him look a little too weak to pull it off. Also, there was no way in hell they'd let him do all that shit with the urn and besmirch a real human beings actual death and get

Wait, Sheamus got interesting again? I liked the stuff he was doing with Big Show enough, but I could really do less with him shitting his pants in Del Rio's car. They just need their good guys to act like good guys and their heels to not be total fucking cowards. Not everyone can be Austin.

Its still fairly goofy and insane fairly regularly. They had a legitimately hilarious storyline last year where Daniel Bryan and Kane (who in kayfabe is a demon rapist who can control hellfire) take anger management classes and eventually came out BEST FRIENDS and I loved every second of it. Mostly because Daniel

Hes actually really entertaining. And its nice  to see a wrestler not immediately call a woman crazy or a hoeski whenever  they interact with them. Fuck you very much, John Cena and Zach Ryder.

I would love weekly raw reviews, so very much.

Spot of the night, hands down.

None of them have broken through because they put the biggest emphasis on old tired ass part-timers like HHH, Lesnar, and the Rock. Sandow, Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Antonio Cesaro, and the Shield could all competently carry this company if given the spotlight.

Sometimes I wish so bad that this was true.


That he did. He was an inspiration to us all.

Can we invite Strawberry Alarm Clock too?

Larry Flynt, Roger Ebert, and my older sister's ex-boyfriend Tony are the 3 people I most credit for inspiring me to become the man I am today. He will be ,missed and mourned.