HBO CEO of Tits

In this economy? You bet I would.

[Holding enormous trophy] "Jeffrey, we lost the tournament!"

I'm wearing 5 right now.

You guys should have gotten user names that would be relevent FOREVER

Homer vs. the 18th amendment.

It is. I was just about to chastise the rube much more roughly than you chose to.

I'm terribly jealous. That beats my finn and bubblegum couples costume last year.

I assume you tell the camera guys "just jackin' it" and they leave you alone for a bit. That's probably not something they can air anyway.

Glad you got that sinus problem taken care of.

Wa na na! Jack! Bandit!

I knew the second 'm' was silent, but I didn't know Emma was french in origin.

This show has made me absolutely terrified of tinnitus. Well, this show and that unbearable This American Life that tried to ape the feeling of tinnitus for the whole episode. Terrible choice for radio.

The dumber strain of potheads love anything with pot prominently featured.  I blame this for the continued cultural memory of  "Grandma's Boy."

Boston rob and Amber started the "kill couples with fire" strategy. It was a reasonable reaction to their success.

I am, as I was in the first fans vs favorites, firmly on Team Erik.

You get immediately removed from the game if you do something like that. I'd always wondered why challenges weren't dirtier physically. Its apparently in the rules that you get taken off the show for something like that, so I can see why they'd take it seriously.

So, I started watching this show just a couple weeks ago, and now it is the show I look forward to most every week. Certainly would not have guessed that to be the case.

I call it "Brendan Fraser Crash."

Bynes has been hitting the rock again. Get the rehabbed girl from Beasts of the Southern Wild and add Anna Kendrick as the abolitionist Grandma and we'll get an audience for this yet.

Well, they said he doesn't fly like at all. I'll give them a pass for set up, but it was still a pretty lame joke.